I admit the title doesn't roll off the tongue, but it's pretty amazing the different types of behavior you can run into doing the Aspen-Denver shuffle.
During the summer I drove to Denver a lot. Honestly, I drive to Denver way too much--doctor apts, hockey, sailing, flights etc----and during the summer when the pass is open I take full advantage of the view and the short cut to make the trip more enjoyable. When driving the pass I almost always find myself driving behind another car. Some drivers pull to the side and let me pass. Conversely, I have had a driver swerve towards the middle of the road to try to keep me from passing. I personally love being passed. Let someone else attract the attention of the police. Still it is an interesting case study in behavior every time I drive the pass.
But that ain't fucking nothing. On a recent trip to Denver this summer with my son in Cape Cod and my wife and daughter in the car with me my phone rang as I approached Breck. I didn't recognize the number but decided to take a chance and answer the phone knowing I was risking a silly marketing call conversation. Glad I answered the phone because it was someone calling to let me know they had found my dog swimming near stillwater. Seems the wife didn't close the door securely and the dogs got bored and decided to go for a swim (please do not point the door thing out to my wife---that is a losing proposition). I thanked the person for finding my dog, but let them know I wouldn't be back for about 6 hours and asked if they could run Wiggins back to my house. They said sure- no problem and escorted my dog about 1/2 a mile to my home and let me know she was safely back home with the door firmly closed.
For those of you reading closely or who know me--you know there is a second shoe to drop and about 25 minutes later the phone rang again with a different person finding Clemmens eating stuff near a construction site. She was also walked home by a super cool family who was visiting from Texas.
Two different groups of people found my dogs, called me and then figured out where my house was and brought them home. What a great world we live in. What amazing people. I swear I almost saw rainbows and unicorns as I drove down I70 into Denver.
So I am loving everyone, and life is good. I drop the wife at doc for an apt and then hustle to the airport to drop my 13 year old daughter off to fly to St. Louis to be a mom's helper. I planned to use short term parking to keep an eye on her while she got through security and then run back to get the wife. The short term parking lot is very small with very narrow spaces. After circling twice I found only one spot open next to a mini van with its door all the way open. I asked if they could close it somewhat so I could park and they did.
When I returned to my car 25 min later they had left a couple of love notes for me. One said " better check your steering wheel for shit.....it appears an ass hole was driving it" and another said " YOU ARE AN ASS HAT".
On the plus side their grammar, spelling, and printing were excellent, and they didn't key my car. On the flip side they were so easily upset by my asking them to partially close their door so I could park my car they took the time to right me some notes.
It's a crazy world filled with all sorts of people.