Yup its that time of year when we get to express our feelings about our elected officials. And for those of us in the roaring fork valley that means Lauren Boebert. She represents CO3 in the US congress, it's a district as big as the state of Mississippi. She is expected to win because a huge bit of the district is rural as fuck and rural tends to vote red. Rumor has it though that the poles are getting tight and so she is fighting extra dirty (which is of course interesting for someone with as much dirty laundry as Rep Boebert has.) That said Trump has more dirty laundry than anyone (multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, multiple rape accusations, self dealing---ohhh yea and a cameo in a soft core porn flick and claiming he would have sex with his daughter---yuuuuuuck) and Trump is a very dirty fighter so maybe Boebert's most recent attacks shouldn't come as a surprise.
Via Brietbart news her staff published a claim by local Aspen business man Todd Gardner claiming that one of his employees discovered Boebert's opponent Adam Frisch having an affair with a woman in her storage unit. Todd then says he used this information to blackmail Frisch (who at the time was on the Aspen city council) to vote against using Lyft or Uber for a local ride sharing project and instead vote to use his local business--High Mountain Taxi. Todd Gardner confesses to felony Frisch has a pretty strong defense to the bribery charge Todd is leveling at him---namely he voted to support a local business over a national one. Most of our citizens would prefer our tax dollars stay local rather than line the owners of Uber's pockets. Todd on the other hand should be in a world of shit. He went to Boebert's office and had them create a video in which he confessed too bribing a public official. Dude, even asking for a bribe is punishable by 12 years in prison and $750k. And if Todd changes his mind then there is the exposure for slander. What a clown show.
If you want to know how they kinda know each other they are both very active in the local evangelical churches. Maybe this is Boebert's idea of mixing church and state. Actually I am pretty sure she has no idea what she is doing outside of hoping to promote the heck out of herself so she can land a deal with Fox news when she retires.
But wait there is more.
We have a very hot race for .............local sherif. The incumbent Joe DiSalvo is running hard against a fired (or did he quit hard to know he left the force twice) Buglione. One incident kinda sums up my disgust with both men. The infamous Bumps party. In 2019 there was a high school party to raise money for God knows what at the base of Buttermilk on a SCHOOL NIGHT. It was a quasi school kinda sorta event and Buglione's daughters was one of the sponsors. Buglione was supposed to be there to chaperone (maybe in uniform maybe not), BUT he was also supposed to be in Denver for additional training at the same time. Buglione went to the department assigned training, and other parents who were supposed to chaperone either didn't show or got there late and by the time they did show up the party was......a party. Kids were drunk and in a surprise to no one Lipsey was once again serving up lines in the bathroom. 2 students were given MIPS (minor in possession) and that was that.
Except DiSalvo demoted and then either fired or got Buglione to quit. DiSalvo claims it was Buglione's responsibility to alert his office to the conflict between training in Denver and chaperoning his daughter's party at Bumps. Buglione claims that the sheriffs office should have been aware of the conflict and assigned a different deputy to chaperone the party. Buglione also claims he told his daughter he couldn't chaperone the party because he would be in Denver.
Bottom line we got a Sherif who can't keep track of his deputies and we have a challenger whose excuse for not making the sheriff's department aware of the conflict is to say he told his daughter. Wow, great options.
Vote Frisch because he looks good in flannel, and well he isn't Lauren Boebert. And be friends with Lance Armstrong because if (when) DiSalvo wins Lance has the sheriff in his back pocket.