Well no I didn't do it again but my daughter and her hockey team did.
How do you win state championships wearing both home and away jerseys? You play women's hockey in CO where there are different governing bodies giving you a chance to play not 1 but 2 state tournaments. And in case you were wondering the boys never play more than one game in 48 hours but the women in this tournament played as many as 7 games in under 48 hours. Way to go Aspen Skiers ---and if you were wondering how the boys Aspen skiers high school hockey team did--both the varsity and JV teams disbanded due to lack of players/interest.
But that is not what this blog is about.
Its about our congresswoman Lauren Bobert who proudly announced at a CPAC luncheon that her 17 year old son is having a baby in April making her a very proud 36 year old grandma. To quote Lauren when making this announcement she is very proud that her son and his girlfriend are making the 'responsible decision'. We do not know the age of the young woman carrying Lauren's grandson (yes they have done ultrasounds to determine the baby's sex and one would presume the health of the future Bobert grandson), but why do an ultrasound when the only responsible choice according to the GOP is to have the baby. Other responsible decisions her son has made include premarital sex and not using birth control. I could provide all kinds of statistics about outcomes for both parents and children who have children while in high school but they are pretty much what your would expect. Not good. Interestedly children of teen mothers (Lauren, Lauren's son and Lauren's grandson) are at greater risk of becoming teen parents themselves (Lauren's mother was 18 when she had Lauren). Children of teen parents are more likely to have health problems, not graduate from high school (again Lauren) be jailed and be unemployed.
Heck if Lauren's son and baby momma want to chose to have the child, fine. But please don't outlaw abortion so that every other couple is forced to make the same decisions your son is making. AND for God sake don't preach to America that you should only have sex if you are married and want to have a baby. I mean come on just take a look around the dinner table at Thanksgiving.
When your family life resembles the title of a Brittany Spears song, I would suggest you do not preach to America about making smart decisions. However, I do love some Brittany.