Thursday, June 9, 2016

no parking

Chicago (and IL)continues its winning ways of being the most user friendly city.

The answer to the question from yesterday re parking my car with a Uhaul trailer attached in front of my house is no no and no.  No special permit possible and they might tow it just for fun (or boot it). The city has also eliminated grace periods for meters, and grace periods for renewing city parking stickers (used to be 15 days and 5 minutes respectively).   Even better for license plate renewal the state stopped sending out notices to renew but happily ticked you for failure to go check you plate sticker, see it was time to renew blah blah blah.........

Bottom line is when you are broke you can't do the right thing and when you can't do the right thing people get angry and either shoot each other or leave for Aspen.

35 days to go

can't happen soon enough


  1. Dan you won't have anything to complain about in Aspen!

  2. Dan you won't have anything to complain about in Aspen!
