Monday, November 14, 2016

snow report

nothing to report.  nada zip zero.  too warm to even make snow.

We got 6 inches 6 weeks ago and over 9500 feet there is some dust but there is no snow.

Some pros and cons:

Last sunday night my boiler tried out for a role in a Steven King book (it was a noisy, loud, smoky and smelly death).  We do not have a replacement working yet, so nights in the high 20s have been good for us, but mean no snowmaking.  I'm gonna call this a win for my family.

Wife was told post surgery on C5-7 (for the second time) no skiing this year.  So if there ain't no snow I get less complaining from the Boss because she isn't missing anything.  I would rate this a push.

My daughter is playing a hockey tourney in Vail this weekend and I am dragging my son along kicking and screaming.  Vail is supposed to open this Friday in which case he could ski for a day or two while the daughter is playing puck.  That would be great, but also more expensive cause lift tickets are crazy and parking cost goes up when they open the hill.  I would say overall having Vail open with snow would be a pro, but I fear one run of slush (its supposed to rain Thursday and Friday).

The locals say it's too soon to write off the season, and the hiking and biking has been lovely, but I am ready for some snow.  Well almost ready, getting the snow tires on Thursday.

And look Ma no political comments.

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