Tuesday, March 14, 2017

FIS day two--staying alive

Day two of training is done and I been invited back for day 3 (downhill race day).  Yea.  I am having the time of my life, but I kinda wish that didn't involve waking up at 2:30 AM thinking about what I am sure I will do wrong in the day ahead.  Either that or it might have been the week old quinoa chicken casserole I ate.

Some quick stats.  The downhill is 8,900 feet long (the super G is 7k feet) with a max pitch of 55%.  How steep is that--the steepest section in highlands bowl is 48%, corbet's tops out at 53%, Johnny mo section of kt-22 is 43% and Jay peak face chutes 37%.  So that is pretty steep.  Expected slipping speed 35-40 mph.  How the heck is a midwesterner slipping this course?  Get the right partner.

I am slipping with a 70+ year old Aspen native son.  We are a classic odd couple.  Tony knows everyone, knows everything but keeps that to himself and might be the best skier on the hill not in a speed suit.  I of course know no one, know nothing, have been in town less than a year, and the words best and skiing are only found in the same sentence about me if it includes the word fall.  How did I wind up partnering with Tony--luck.  Lots of luck, and maybe he wanted to do a good deed.  My job went from slipping the FIS world cup finals downhill course to following Tony.  So far so good.

I also am learning a bit of Aspen history too, which has been a huge added bonus.  If you want to meet my slipping partner Tony-- the local rancher, trash collection business owner, ski patroller, ski racer, piano player you can read some of his musings online with a quick search of Tony Vagneur or go all in and read a collection of his stories
Aspen then and now reflections of a native son

Training is done and tomorrow is the real deal.  The downhill starts at 9:30 AM MST.  Find NBCSN and watch some of the best racers put the peddle to the metal.  And pray you don't have a course hold because a slipper has fallen (and can't get up).

Below is a picture of Atez which does no justice to the pitch.   None at all.

Lindsey and I shared a moment or two today.....namely she blew past me and I slipped as fast as I could to try to catch her.  Didn't happen, but I did find her at the base a bit later.  Still no hugs and no sight of Mikaela.

And I promise I am trying to get some video, but I am old and slow.  Here is a short clip taken by a friend which shows slippers going to work.

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