lots more to follow--my computer is unpacked, we have finished our second move in a bit over a month and the kids are both back in school soooooooo.........

The last post was about dying climbers--in the last 6 weeks 5 people have died climbing capitol peak. Ages 21-35. FYI by comparison in 2016 5 people died climbing Everest. A couple of my buddies tried to convince me to climb Capitol last year and after I looked at the knife edge feature I decided to take a pass but they kinda poo pooed the risks. Knife edge and Capitol are not to be poo pooed its some serious shit. Above is a picture of the knife edge and someone being stupid.
My new hood is full of bears. I have seen a bear pretty much every day. I had one take a huge dump in my kinda fenced in yard right next to the hot tub. I don't let my dogs poop in the yard but the bears are not as well trained. Speaking of not well trained bears this morning while walking the dogs I found this.
In Chicago they set rat traps. In Aspen when a bear breaks into multiple homes multiple times they set bear traps. Seems the rats are smarter than the bears---a big steel cage with some garbage in it traps a bear, rats require a very nasty trap well placed with just the right food.
I took my son and some of his friends to reggae fest at Red Rocks this weekend for his birthday. If you are a music fan a show at Red Rocks has got to be on the bucket list. Amazing sights and sounds. Acoustics are just about perfect from anywhere and the view of the rocks (lit and unlit) and Denver is unreal.

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