Monday, August 17, 2020

Top COVID fun so far

 Last Wednesday night my wife, daughter and her bubble buddy went to the 'drive in' at buttermilk to watch Almost Famous.

What a fun evening.  We were lucky enough to be able to borrow a friends most excellent and perfect drive in car---a 1969 Chevy Impala.  

If ever there was a perfect car for the drive in this was it.  We grabbed some candy, drinks and popcorn and lots of blankets, cranked up the girls horrible music on the excellent Alpine stereo system and headed over to butter milk.

Wait let me take a step back---I started the car and my daughter tried to open the door.  The door was locked.  She asked how to unlock the car door.  I said pull up the lock on the door.  After a couple minutes of shouting she figured out the button sticking up out of the door panel was the lock pulled it up and took some steroids and was finally able to open the car door.

We are driving along and the questions start coming----how do these seatbelts work, what are these things in the side of the car (ash trays), how do the windows work (crank) and OMG where are the cup holders (the cup holders were a reoccurring question).  And finally this car is awesome can we buy it.  Please.  Pretty please.  Answer is no you want friends with this car you do NOT want to drive it in snow, rain or have to stop quickly for a deer that doesn't look both ways before crossing the road.

We pull into buttermilk, get front row parking as the car clearly demands, and settled in to watch a great movie.  

A couple of highlights:

  1. Turning the engine on every 30 minutes to keep from draining the battery while running the radio to tune into the audio and hearing 350 cubic in of American horsepower.
  2. Watching a turbo prop come into land very low and buzz the drive in directly over the screen.
  3. Watching the stars come out and blanket the sky while snuggling under a blanket with my wife while my daughter made retching sounds in the back seat and tried to 'keep us separated'.
  4. Watching my daughter discover where my line 'don't do drugs (and my addition don't kiss boys') came from
  5. Letting my daughter and her bubble buddy know that there STILL were not cup holders in the car (and trying to answer why without disturbing everyone else at the drive in
overall a really awesome COVID safe night.  It also made me realize how long it's been and how much I miss being able to go out and do stuff.

and why not to take drugs

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