check out this friends vid--super cool
also if you go to super slow mo you will have a feel for my mountain biking and trail running
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
post debate (sorry hockey swamped me)
Daughter played 4 games this weekend---lets hope it was a learning experience.......
now about that debate---ahhhhh forget that
But in other election news I got my ballot in the mail. Having spent 16 years in Chicago living in basically the same place yet seemingly going to a different polling station every year, the mail in ballot was a welcomed change. And it gave me a chance to research all those judges. There were also a gazillion propositions on the ballot---how great would it be if there was some independent analysis of those propositions. We have a big one in CO this year--prop 69 which would basically socialize medicine in the state which depending on which analysis you read would save everyone money and headache as every doctor becomes in network, or decimate CO as every doctor and business flees the state and death panels determine that all treatment is unnecessary as is all payment to doctors. Doing a really good in depth analysis is almost impossible for the average voter in the state so they rely on others who are anything but neutral.
Moving away from the propositions and back up to the top of the ticket--there are 22 different people on the ballot for president in CO including the usual suspects as well as the socialist party, nutrition party, american solidarity party, pacifist-nonviolent party, socialism and liberation party, kotilkoff for president party (my current favorite), the prohibition party (aren't they about 100 years behind the times) the veterans of america, independent american, American's(are those the USSR sleepers from FX), American Delta, and American solidarity along with a number of others. Wow. Imagine if they had all been invited to the debates.
It also feels a bit weird to be voting weeks before election day. What happens if I vote for Hillary only to discover next week that she is an android from Neptune bent on nuclear war? What if Trump release his tax returns and it shows all his money has been given to planned parenthood? I appreciate the ease of mail in voting, and I suspect it increases turnout which is good but it feels a bit like deciding the victor of the world series in the bottom of the 7th inning in the 7th game. Shouldn't we play it all the way out? And doesn't it kinda reinforce party line voting--asking you to cast your vote before the game is even played out?
now about that debate---ahhhhh forget that
But in other election news I got my ballot in the mail. Having spent 16 years in Chicago living in basically the same place yet seemingly going to a different polling station every year, the mail in ballot was a welcomed change. And it gave me a chance to research all those judges. There were also a gazillion propositions on the ballot---how great would it be if there was some independent analysis of those propositions. We have a big one in CO this year--prop 69 which would basically socialize medicine in the state which depending on which analysis you read would save everyone money and headache as every doctor becomes in network, or decimate CO as every doctor and business flees the state and death panels determine that all treatment is unnecessary as is all payment to doctors. Doing a really good in depth analysis is almost impossible for the average voter in the state so they rely on others who are anything but neutral.
Moving away from the propositions and back up to the top of the ticket--there are 22 different people on the ballot for president in CO including the usual suspects as well as the socialist party, nutrition party, american solidarity party, pacifist-nonviolent party, socialism and liberation party, kotilkoff for president party (my current favorite), the prohibition party (aren't they about 100 years behind the times) the veterans of america, independent american, American's(are those the USSR sleepers from FX), American Delta, and American solidarity along with a number of others. Wow. Imagine if they had all been invited to the debates.
It also feels a bit weird to be voting weeks before election day. What happens if I vote for Hillary only to discover next week that she is an android from Neptune bent on nuclear war? What if Trump release his tax returns and it shows all his money has been given to planned parenthood? I appreciate the ease of mail in voting, and I suspect it increases turnout which is good but it feels a bit like deciding the victor of the world series in the bottom of the 7th inning in the 7th game. Shouldn't we play it all the way out? And doesn't it kinda reinforce party line voting--asking you to cast your vote before the game is even played out?
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
pre debate chatter---moths and helicopter parents
Today we signed up for parent teacher conferences the for the end of the first week of November. While conferences are available Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday we are leaving town early Thursday morning for Chicago so the Mrs can have a repeat of her neck surgery. That gave us a very limited window of 2 hours or so for meeting with the teachers. And I am thinking every parent is going to jump on that Wednesday afternoon so they can have a long weekend. At 7:29 my wife and I are poised to hit the conference scheduler app as fast as we can to try to nail down, those Wednesday afternoon time slots. And then the wife goes and unplugs our router. Oh shit. She quickly plugs it back in but the boot up takes over 1 min. In Chicago trying to sign up for parent teacher conferences losing that minute would mean nothing available except 8am friday morning or maybe friday night. In Aspen we still got our pick of times Wednesday afternoon. Yea Aspen.
Some of you may know my primary job is hockey mom. The juxtaposition of not having parents jump all over the scheduler for parent teacher conferences is a very laid back attitude towards puck. This hockey mom is having trouble adjusting. To wit---team evaluations have been going on (and I think wrapping up but who can tell) and there is a tournament this weekend in Aspen that my daughter might be playing in. Or not. It depends which team she is on, and we don't know yet. And the kids have Thursday and Friday off of school so I either might get out of town with them (mountain biking in Moab sounds great except that I am scared of mountain biking) or she has 3-4 games starting on Friday. And if she is playing this weekend the team will have zero practices prior to tourney, likewise the girls team she is on has a tourney next weekend in Denver and they will maybe have one practice in total before that. To quote Seinfeld --Serenity NOW.
Now about those moths. Haven't seen one in weeks, which is due some serious poison sprayed in the house once a week. In an effort not to kill the dogs, I take them on a couple of hour walk. Today our walk in the woods yielded fresh tracks through the snow, some very slippery mud, a skeleton of a big animal (AKA doggy chew toy xmas) some barbed wire that the youngest pup got tangled up in (she is fine), and some fine views of snow covered everything with blue bird skies. Love it.
PS --Do dogs need tetanus shots?
Some of you may know my primary job is hockey mom. The juxtaposition of not having parents jump all over the scheduler for parent teacher conferences is a very laid back attitude towards puck. This hockey mom is having trouble adjusting. To wit---team evaluations have been going on (and I think wrapping up but who can tell) and there is a tournament this weekend in Aspen that my daughter might be playing in. Or not. It depends which team she is on, and we don't know yet. And the kids have Thursday and Friday off of school so I either might get out of town with them (mountain biking in Moab sounds great except that I am scared of mountain biking) or she has 3-4 games starting on Friday. And if she is playing this weekend the team will have zero practices prior to tourney, likewise the girls team she is on has a tourney next weekend in Denver and they will maybe have one practice in total before that. To quote Seinfeld --Serenity NOW.
Now about those moths. Haven't seen one in weeks, which is due some serious poison sprayed in the house once a week. In an effort not to kill the dogs, I take them on a couple of hour walk. Today our walk in the woods yielded fresh tracks through the snow, some very slippery mud, a skeleton of a big animal (AKA doggy chew toy xmas) some barbed wire that the youngest pup got tangled up in (she is fine), and some fine views of snow covered everything with blue bird skies. Love it.
PS --Do dogs need tetanus shots?
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
did I mention the moths (no politics today---well not much)
Shortly after we moved in it became clear that we had moths. I called the property manager and he told me to turn on a light and vacuum them up---or don't worry they would go away on their own. Neither strategy worked and now we are in the process of bombing the house. That requires getting the dogs out of the house for 2 hours---which is doggy hiking time. Yesterday I found some streams with ice up the sides which was cool and slippery. The dogs chased some deer (boring) elk (illegal) and a moose (very dangerous) but they didn't seem to care. Best of all they found a chew toy. 
look close, and yes you can see a deer leg. yummy and free---more good free stuff in Aspen.
I also got an email from the head of Aspen hockey last night making it clear that what constitutes locker room talk for the GOP nominee is grounds for permanent suspension from Aspen youth hockey. Painfully obvious but I guess in this crazy world it has to be clear--just cause the GOP nominee did it doesn't mean you can.

look close, and yes you can see a deer leg. yummy and free---more good free stuff in Aspen.
I also got an email from the head of Aspen hockey last night making it clear that what constitutes locker room talk for the GOP nominee is grounds for permanent suspension from Aspen youth hockey. Painfully obvious but I guess in this crazy world it has to be clear--just cause the GOP nominee did it doesn't mean you can.
Monday, October 10, 2016
more politics (plus a bit of religion) and coyotes
I made a mistake and watched the debate. Sadly instead of putting me to sleep it got me all fired up, so I found myself in bed at 11 pm thinking up all the zingers Clinton should have used to destroy Donald.
Finally I fell asleep but at 4:15 I was awoken by my dogs growling. Was it a break in?--should I grab my gun and stand my ground? Nope. It was coyotes on a very successful hunt. For the next hour the coyotes howled and my dogs growled. And I came up with more lovely talking points for Hillary.
But before politics let's talk religion. Yom Kippur starts Tuesday night and the easiest way to explain this holiday is it's about saying I am sorry. That is the grade school explanation. The high-school explanation is it's about apologizing for your misdeeds and sins, and God will forgive your sins against him but for sins against other people you must apologize to them directly. And here is the real kicker--while it is up to each individual as to whether or not to accept these apologies, the Jewish religion strongly encourages you to.......
Since all my readers are brilliant I am sure you can see how this segues into politics, but first.....
Maybe the Clinton campaign didn't want to go for the knock out last night because they think Donald will bleed out from self inflicted wounds and would prefer to face him than a zombie from the walking dead, I would be happy to aid the Clinton camp so long as they provide health care.
Some of my top talking points developed between coyote howls:
1. In response to Donald's silly attacks about Hillary not getting anything done while in office point out that being king of the Apprentice is not like being a senator, first lady or Secretary of State. Tweeting at 3 am that Kim Jong-un is fired it doesn't make it so, nor does it make the world any safer. When you are one of a hundred senators, in the minority party in both the chamber and the White House the odds of you creating new tax law is zero. Reality TV is not reality and being judge, jury and executioner on TV is poor preparation for the presidency. This is a point the Clinton campaign can't hammer home enough---Donald actually has no clue how government works and the Apprentice is the only job he has ever had where he wasn't working for himself.
2. In that vein did you just say that you would appoint a special prosecutor to send me to jail? Again that might work on TV or Russia but in the real world in the US it doesn't work that way. We don't jail our political opponents.
3. Donald I have trouble with your apology for your comments suggesting that because you are famous it's ok for you to sexually attack anyone. Dismissing it as locker room banter and then trying to switch the focus to ISIS is deplorable. The American public is capable of having a conversation about both treating women with respect and how to deal with ISIS, please don't use ISIS as distraction for your reprehensible behavior.
4. Speaking of ISIS, and the Taliban and Syria when I see the picture of Omran Daqneesh I don't see a terrorist, I see an opportunity. An opportunity to do the right thing. A chance to plant the seeds of freedom. Just like we won the cold war without firing a shot, instead relying on the power of liberty, democracy, and capitalism. We will win the war against terrorism with the exact same weapons. Just like winning the cold war took decades this American victory will play out over many administrations, it won't be resolved in a tweet or a single season of the Apprentice. You propose religious tests, torture, and threatening the use of nukes ---all ideas torn from ISIS's playbook, which directly undermine our most powerful strengths and threaten our victory.
5. Donald you speak like the apocalypse has arrived in America. You have used the word disaster more times than I can count in this debate. You indicate the economy is horrible, there is no work, our cities are rife with death and destruction, our health system has failed, our military routed, our society torn apart---it seems like you view life in the US as a scene from The Walking Dead. Donald that is not the world I see. I thank God everything day that I was born an American. I think it's the best country in the world by a long shot. However if you would like to leave you are more than welcome --that is your right as an American. If you want to move to China with their 7% GDP growth and winning trade deals by all means go---we sure won't miss your tax revenues.
6. PS Donald and GOP who is impeaching the IRS commissioner --if the Federal Government was half as corrupt as you think don't you think we would have seen all of the Donald's tax returns by now? And lastly, yes I voted for the Iraq war and in hindsight the war in Iraq was a mistake, but my first inclination in a time of war is always to support the president regardless of party and that is not a mistake.
Finally I fell asleep but at 4:15 I was awoken by my dogs growling. Was it a break in?--should I grab my gun and stand my ground? Nope. It was coyotes on a very successful hunt. For the next hour the coyotes howled and my dogs growled. And I came up with more lovely talking points for Hillary.
But before politics let's talk religion. Yom Kippur starts Tuesday night and the easiest way to explain this holiday is it's about saying I am sorry. That is the grade school explanation. The high-school explanation is it's about apologizing for your misdeeds and sins, and God will forgive your sins against him but for sins against other people you must apologize to them directly. And here is the real kicker--while it is up to each individual as to whether or not to accept these apologies, the Jewish religion strongly encourages you to.......
Since all my readers are brilliant I am sure you can see how this segues into politics, but first.....
Maybe the Clinton campaign didn't want to go for the knock out last night because they think Donald will bleed out from self inflicted wounds and would prefer to face him than a zombie from the walking dead, I would be happy to aid the Clinton camp so long as they provide health care.
Some of my top talking points developed between coyote howls:
1. In response to Donald's silly attacks about Hillary not getting anything done while in office point out that being king of the Apprentice is not like being a senator, first lady or Secretary of State. Tweeting at 3 am that Kim Jong-un is fired it doesn't make it so, nor does it make the world any safer. When you are one of a hundred senators, in the minority party in both the chamber and the White House the odds of you creating new tax law is zero. Reality TV is not reality and being judge, jury and executioner on TV is poor preparation for the presidency. This is a point the Clinton campaign can't hammer home enough---Donald actually has no clue how government works and the Apprentice is the only job he has ever had where he wasn't working for himself.
2. In that vein did you just say that you would appoint a special prosecutor to send me to jail? Again that might work on TV or Russia but in the real world in the US it doesn't work that way. We don't jail our political opponents.
3. Donald I have trouble with your apology for your comments suggesting that because you are famous it's ok for you to sexually attack anyone. Dismissing it as locker room banter and then trying to switch the focus to ISIS is deplorable. The American public is capable of having a conversation about both treating women with respect and how to deal with ISIS, please don't use ISIS as distraction for your reprehensible behavior.
4. Speaking of ISIS, and the Taliban and Syria when I see the picture of Omran Daqneesh I don't see a terrorist, I see an opportunity. An opportunity to do the right thing. A chance to plant the seeds of freedom. Just like we won the cold war without firing a shot, instead relying on the power of liberty, democracy, and capitalism. We will win the war against terrorism with the exact same weapons. Just like winning the cold war took decades this American victory will play out over many administrations, it won't be resolved in a tweet or a single season of the Apprentice. You propose religious tests, torture, and threatening the use of nukes ---all ideas torn from ISIS's playbook, which directly undermine our most powerful strengths and threaten our victory.
5. Donald you speak like the apocalypse has arrived in America. You have used the word disaster more times than I can count in this debate. You indicate the economy is horrible, there is no work, our cities are rife with death and destruction, our health system has failed, our military routed, our society torn apart---it seems like you view life in the US as a scene from The Walking Dead. Donald that is not the world I see. I thank God everything day that I was born an American. I think it's the best country in the world by a long shot. However if you would like to leave you are more than welcome --that is your right as an American. If you want to move to China with their 7% GDP growth and winning trade deals by all means go---we sure won't miss your tax revenues.
6. PS Donald and GOP who is impeaching the IRS commissioner --if the Federal Government was half as corrupt as you think don't you think we would have seen all of the Donald's tax returns by now? And lastly, yes I voted for the Iraq war and in hindsight the war in Iraq was a mistake, but my first inclination in a time of war is always to support the president regardless of party and that is not a mistake.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
ohh no politics----trump vs clinton and scooping the poop
I know I shouldn't weigh in on politics and goodness knows we have all had it up to here with the presidential race but sometimes even when you know you shouldn't you do but
First a quick football observation that I left off my last post. I went to Aspen homecoming last weekend, and well..... the last high school football game I went to was at my alma mater 5 years ago. In the bombers backfield was Ezekiel Elliott and let's just say the Skiers don't got a Zek on their team (nor for that matter from my team a rob hibbard kicking the ball which they really could use or either of the Keys boys or a Dubinsky on the line). Some parents seemed to think that D1 college offers might be on the line and I can tell you that is not the case. Sorry.
Hillary V Donald and dog poop.
Background: I own 3 dogs. Aspen is in shoulder season (meaning less services so dog owners true colors are more evident), resulting in some stinky crap on my shoes. That is called inspiration.
Observations: I have noticed 4 types of dog owners. Those who never pick up their dogs poop (it melts away right?) Those who only pick up their own dogs poop and never any other dogs poop. Those who pick up their own poop and sometimes pick up other dogs poo when it's convenient or necessary and who often have extra bags for a friend in need. Those who pick up their own dogs poop, pick up other dogs poop, and want to devise plans ensure all dog poo is picked up through both incentives and punishment.
Trump cleary is a never pick up the poo kinda guy. As a matter of fact I am sure that if I saw his dog leave a huge stinky shit on my front yard and called the Don on it he would say "isn't that the most beautiful crap you have ever seen, the size, the sent amazing, you are lucky I am not charging you for giving you free fertilizer." Don is the epitome of a self centered and selfish dog owner. Actually he is too selfish to own a dog--it would take away from the Don time. He just isn't capable of listening to a dogs needs and meeting them (which is a shame for him because he undoubtedly would be polling better if he walked a dog more and tweeted less).
I suspect that in her youth Hillary was a crusader for poop justice--the aforementioned type 4 dog owner. That position is now firmly held by Bernie Sanders. Hillary is now the type of owner who scoops her own dog's crap as well as going after the low hanging fruit left by others. If you look at Hillary's life it's been about public service. She has dedicated her life to trying to make the state (AK), country and world a better place. You may not like her ideas of what a better world looks like but the goals are almost always laudable. And in office she has moved from dreaming the impossible dream (a world free of un-scooped poop) to the possible ( take care of your own crap and help enable others to take care of theirs). And the Clinton's actually owned a dog--Buddy.
Overheard in the Clinton Whitehouse in 1997
Hillary "Bill WTF, Monica?!! seriously!!! are you kidding me ?!?!? come on, you promised after Jennifer you would ............... "
Bill "hey Hill, sorry I got to take Buddy for a walk. I promise we can finish this up when he is done"
I bet Buddy was one well walked dog. And they own a Buddy grand dog now. Oh yea and they are still together (they really took the part of the vows re for better and worse seriously).
So vote Hillary for a world with less (dog) shit in it.
First a quick football observation that I left off my last post. I went to Aspen homecoming last weekend, and well..... the last high school football game I went to was at my alma mater 5 years ago. In the bombers backfield was Ezekiel Elliott and let's just say the Skiers don't got a Zek on their team (nor for that matter from my team a rob hibbard kicking the ball which they really could use or either of the Keys boys or a Dubinsky on the line). Some parents seemed to think that D1 college offers might be on the line and I can tell you that is not the case. Sorry.
Hillary V Donald and dog poop.
Background: I own 3 dogs. Aspen is in shoulder season (meaning less services so dog owners true colors are more evident), resulting in some stinky crap on my shoes. That is called inspiration.
Observations: I have noticed 4 types of dog owners. Those who never pick up their dogs poop (it melts away right?) Those who only pick up their own dogs poop and never any other dogs poop. Those who pick up their own poop and sometimes pick up other dogs poo when it's convenient or necessary and who often have extra bags for a friend in need. Those who pick up their own dogs poop, pick up other dogs poop, and want to devise plans ensure all dog poo is picked up through both incentives and punishment.
Trump cleary is a never pick up the poo kinda guy. As a matter of fact I am sure that if I saw his dog leave a huge stinky shit on my front yard and called the Don on it he would say "isn't that the most beautiful crap you have ever seen, the size, the sent amazing, you are lucky I am not charging you for giving you free fertilizer." Don is the epitome of a self centered and selfish dog owner. Actually he is too selfish to own a dog--it would take away from the Don time. He just isn't capable of listening to a dogs needs and meeting them (which is a shame for him because he undoubtedly would be polling better if he walked a dog more and tweeted less).
I suspect that in her youth Hillary was a crusader for poop justice--the aforementioned type 4 dog owner. That position is now firmly held by Bernie Sanders. Hillary is now the type of owner who scoops her own dog's crap as well as going after the low hanging fruit left by others. If you look at Hillary's life it's been about public service. She has dedicated her life to trying to make the state (AK), country and world a better place. You may not like her ideas of what a better world looks like but the goals are almost always laudable. And in office she has moved from dreaming the impossible dream (a world free of un-scooped poop) to the possible ( take care of your own crap and help enable others to take care of theirs). And the Clinton's actually owned a dog--Buddy.
Overheard in the Clinton Whitehouse in 1997
Hillary "Bill WTF, Monica?!! seriously!!! are you kidding me ?!?!? come on, you promised after Jennifer you would ............... "
Bill "hey Hill, sorry I got to take Buddy for a walk. I promise we can finish this up when he is done"
I bet Buddy was one well walked dog. And they own a Buddy grand dog now. Oh yea and they are still together (they really took the part of the vows re for better and worse seriously).
So vote Hillary for a world with less (dog) shit in it.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
some observations (and yea I had a blog blow out so this covers a lot)
1. Winter is here. see below
2. If Jenna Bush offers to come teach an outdoor education class have her come because the TV production biz she is reporting for will give you a check for 12k but don't expect the students to learn anything besides the TV biz stinks.
3. It's bloody dark out when you take the dogs out at night and when you take them out in the morning. Scooping the poop is impossible without a headlamp.
4. The elk are migrating and I see them every day. Where are they coming from and where are they going to?
5. I had bear poop in my driveway. Big bear scat. Time to lock the doors as the berries get harder to find. When do they go to bed for the season?
6. Utah--my wife and son went to UT to race this past weekend. Boy won overall--here he is driving the big red 3 boat---
Some important things to know about UT if you drive CO plates----UT cops will pull you over and say you were driving poorly, demand a field sobriety test, say you failed and then take you in for a blood test looking for pot. If you have consumed pot in the past 30 days you will come up positive, and next thing you know DWI. The problem is the test will show both THC levels (are you stoned, which last for hours) and the chemical that metabolizes THC (flushes it out) which lasts for 30 days. So even if no THC is found, if the metabolite is found bamb -DWI. If you do a search for this you will find that it's happening all over the place. Nothing like getting busted for being inebriated when you are not inebriated and the test even shows that.
7. Mean kids exist even in Aspen. Of course middle school is probably the worst, and transferring to a school is like putting a big bullseye on your back but it happens even here in paradise. That is not what sucks though; its the signs all over the school exhorting integrity and respect and a bunch of other PC crap while kids are getting their pants pulled down in the hallway (not my kid)or being told the holocaust is a joke. That gets my Jewish irish up.
8. High class problems. Front page article on the local paper about a donor wall for Aspen schools.
Really I just moved here from Chicago and you want to talk about school funding issues take a peek at Chicago. Property taxes are 10x Aspen level, schools have double to triple the teacher student ratio, CPS goes on strike yearly, they have cut a ton of extracurricular programs (they got nothing like outdoor education like they have here in paradise), and there are parents who are angry about it being unfair that wealthy parents that want recognition for a large gift. Hell I bet Chicago would rename Chicago Public Schools Griffen Public Schools if Ken Griffen was willing to cough up $800 million to close the pension funding gap. And the students would be better off going for it.
2. If Jenna Bush offers to come teach an outdoor education class have her come because the TV production biz she is reporting for will give you a check for 12k but don't expect the students to learn anything besides the TV biz stinks.
3. It's bloody dark out when you take the dogs out at night and when you take them out in the morning. Scooping the poop is impossible without a headlamp.
4. The elk are migrating and I see them every day. Where are they coming from and where are they going to?
5. I had bear poop in my driveway. Big bear scat. Time to lock the doors as the berries get harder to find. When do they go to bed for the season?
6. Utah--my wife and son went to UT to race this past weekend. Boy won overall--here he is driving the big red 3 boat---
Some important things to know about UT if you drive CO plates----UT cops will pull you over and say you were driving poorly, demand a field sobriety test, say you failed and then take you in for a blood test looking for pot. If you have consumed pot in the past 30 days you will come up positive, and next thing you know DWI. The problem is the test will show both THC levels (are you stoned, which last for hours) and the chemical that metabolizes THC (flushes it out) which lasts for 30 days. So even if no THC is found, if the metabolite is found bamb -DWI. If you do a search for this you will find that it's happening all over the place. Nothing like getting busted for being inebriated when you are not inebriated and the test even shows that.
7. Mean kids exist even in Aspen. Of course middle school is probably the worst, and transferring to a school is like putting a big bullseye on your back but it happens even here in paradise. That is not what sucks though; its the signs all over the school exhorting integrity and respect and a bunch of other PC crap while kids are getting their pants pulled down in the hallway (not my kid)or being told the holocaust is a joke. That gets my Jewish irish up.
8. High class problems. Front page article on the local paper about a donor wall for Aspen schools.
Really I just moved here from Chicago and you want to talk about school funding issues take a peek at Chicago. Property taxes are 10x Aspen level, schools have double to triple the teacher student ratio, CPS goes on strike yearly, they have cut a ton of extracurricular programs (they got nothing like outdoor education like they have here in paradise), and there are parents who are angry about it being unfair that wealthy parents that want recognition for a large gift. Hell I bet Chicago would rename Chicago Public Schools Griffen Public Schools if Ken Griffen was willing to cough up $800 million to close the pension funding gap. And the students would be better off going for it.
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