Monday, October 10, 2016

more politics (plus a bit of religion) and coyotes

I made a mistake and watched the debate.  Sadly instead of putting me to sleep it got me all fired up, so I found myself in bed at 11 pm thinking up all the zingers Clinton should have used to destroy Donald.

Finally I fell asleep but at 4:15 I was awoken by my dogs growling.  Was it a break in?--should I grab my gun and stand my ground? Nope.  It was coyotes on a very successful hunt.  For the next hour the coyotes howled and my dogs growled.  And I came up with more lovely talking points for Hillary.

But before politics let's talk religion.  Yom Kippur starts Tuesday night and the easiest way to explain this holiday is it's about saying I am sorry.  That is the grade school explanation.  The high-school explanation is it's about apologizing for your misdeeds and sins, and God will forgive your sins against him but for sins against other people you must apologize to them directly.  And here is the real kicker--while it is up to each individual as to whether or not to accept these apologies, the Jewish religion strongly encourages you to.......

Since all my readers are brilliant I am sure you can see how this segues into politics, but first.....

Maybe the Clinton campaign didn't want to go for the knock out last night because they think Donald will bleed out from self inflicted wounds and would prefer to face him than a zombie from the walking dead, I would be happy to aid the Clinton camp so long as they provide health care.

Some of my top talking points developed between coyote howls:

1.  In response to Donald's silly attacks about Hillary not getting anything done while in office point out that being king of the Apprentice is not like being a senator, first lady or Secretary of State.  Tweeting at 3 am that Kim Jong-un is fired it doesn't make it so, nor does it make the world any safer.  When you are one of a hundred senators, in the minority party in both the chamber and the White House the odds of you creating new tax law is zero.  Reality TV is not reality and being judge, jury and executioner on TV is poor preparation for the presidency.  This is a point the Clinton campaign can't hammer home enough---Donald actually has no clue how government works and the  Apprentice is the only job he has ever had where he wasn't working for himself.

2. In that vein did you just say that you would appoint a special prosecutor to send me to jail?  Again that might work on TV or Russia but in the real world in the US it doesn't work that way.  We don't jail our political opponents.  

3.  Donald I have trouble with your apology for your comments suggesting that because you are famous it's ok for you to sexually attack anyone.  Dismissing it as locker room banter and then trying to switch the focus to ISIS is deplorable.  The American public is capable of having a conversation about both treating women with respect and how to deal with ISIS, please don't use ISIS as distraction for your reprehensible behavior.

4.  Speaking of ISIS, and the Taliban and Syria when I see the picture of Omran Daqneesh I don't see a terrorist, I see an opportunity.  An opportunity to do the right thing.  A chance to plant the seeds of freedom.  Just like we won the cold war without firing a shot, instead relying on the power of liberty, democracy, and capitalism.  We will win the war against terrorism with the exact same weapons.  Just like winning the cold war took decades this American victory will play out over many administrations, it won't be resolved in a tweet or a single season of the Apprentice. You propose religious tests, torture, and threatening the use of nukes ---all ideas torn from ISIS's playbook, which directly undermine our most powerful strengths and threaten our victory.

5.  Donald you speak like the apocalypse has arrived in America.  You have used the word disaster more times than I can count in this debate.  You indicate the economy is horrible, there is no work, our cities are rife with death and destruction, our health system has failed, our military routed, our society torn apart---it seems like you view life in the US as a scene from The Walking Dead.  Donald that is not the world I see.  I thank God everything day that I was born an American.  I think it's the best country in the world by a long shot.  However if you would like to leave you are more than welcome --that is your right as an American.  If you want to move to China with their 7% GDP growth and winning trade deals by all means go---we sure won't miss your tax revenues.

6.  PS Donald and GOP who is impeaching the IRS commissioner --if the Federal Government was half as corrupt as you think don't you think we would have seen all of the Donald's tax returns by now?  And lastly, yes I voted for the Iraq war and in hindsight the war in Iraq was a mistake, but my first inclination in a time of war is always to support the president regardless of party and that is not a mistake.  

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