2. If Jenna Bush offers to come teach an outdoor education class have her come because the TV production biz she is reporting for will give you a check for 12k but don't expect the students to learn anything besides the TV biz stinks.
3. It's bloody dark out when you take the dogs out at night and when you take them out in the morning. Scooping the poop is impossible without a headlamp.
4. The elk are migrating and I see them every day. Where are they coming from and where are they going to?
5. I had bear poop in my driveway. Big bear scat. Time to lock the doors as the berries get harder to find. When do they go to bed for the season?
6. Utah--my wife and son went to UT to race this past weekend. Boy won overall--here he is driving the big red 3 boat---
Some important things to know about UT if you drive CO plates----UT cops will pull you over and say you were driving poorly, demand a field sobriety test, say you failed and then take you in for a blood test looking for pot. If you have consumed pot in the past 30 days you will come up positive, and next thing you know DWI. The problem is the test will show both THC levels (are you stoned, which last for hours) and the chemical that metabolizes THC (flushes it out) which lasts for 30 days. So even if no THC is found, if the metabolite is found bamb -DWI. If you do a search for this you will find that it's happening all over the place. Nothing like getting busted for being inebriated when you are not inebriated and the test even shows that.
7. Mean kids exist even in Aspen. Of course middle school is probably the worst, and transferring to a school is like putting a big bullseye on your back but it happens even here in paradise. That is not what sucks though; its the signs all over the school exhorting integrity and respect and a bunch of other PC crap while kids are getting their pants pulled down in the hallway (not my kid)or being told the holocaust is a joke. That gets my Jewish irish up.
8. High class problems. Front page article on the local paper about a donor wall for Aspen schools. http://www.aspentimes.com/news/aspen-school-board-to-change-donor-recognition-policy/
Really I just moved here from Chicago and you want to talk about school funding issues take a peek at Chicago. Property taxes are 10x Aspen level, schools have double to triple the teacher student ratio, CPS goes on strike yearly, they have cut a ton of extracurricular programs (they got nothing like outdoor education like they have here in paradise), and there are parents who are angry about it being unfair that wealthy parents that want recognition for a large gift. Hell I bet Chicago would rename Chicago Public Schools Griffen Public Schools if Ken Griffen was willing to cough up $800 million to close the pension funding gap. And the students would be better off going for it.
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