Wednesday, December 7, 2016

8 in of POW and I am..............

in an insurance agent's office (again) trying to get health care.  Actually I think I got it sorted, so starting Jan 1 I have a plan that costs 2.4k per month (without subsidy,) with a 5k individual 10k family deductible, for a very limited HMO network.  And it only took 9 days and 27 hours to make this happen.  Yea!

No not yea, but atleast I can cross that off my to do list.

Couple of quick observations post first real snowfall:
1.  Aspen doesn't use salt.  I guess they are worried about purity of the water table.  In Chicago they throw salt at everything and if lake Michigan is a toxic dump so be it.  My dogs paws are much happier and my wife is scared she is going to break her C5-7 neck fusion on the very icy, slippery roads.

2.  Snow tires are a must.  See above.

3.  Saw a 6 point buck cross the road in front of me while driving home from dog groomers, thank God for snow tires.

4.  Dog groomers in Chicago are about 40% less than Aspen.  Chicago you win that one hands down.

And on a happy note my 10 year old daughter's note to Santa.

Dear Santa,
I have been pretty good, but not great this year.  I am not going to lie.
I really want a hamster.  I don't want a thing, I want an animal.  I want to show my parent's how responsible I am.  I will take really great care of it.

daughter of Aspen green acres

Should I set up a kickstarter campaign for a habitrail?  How do you think the dogs will feel about a rodent in the house?  I suspect they will find it a tastee treat.

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