Best exchange:
Dan--man these boots hurt.
Surefoot tech---where?
Dan--hard to know. My feet are so numb and tingling I really can't pinpoint any spot.
Good news is Surefoot promises that they will get you in some boots that won't hurt. Between the 2 days there pre season and today I have logged over 5 hours at Surefoot. Below note the picture of me on the bus back to Snowmass.
So the great news is a good bit of Aspen mountain is open. I got to ski some steeper stuff today with some POW on it. The ok news is I still have my old boots which feel ok (although the plate is worn so thin the lock with the binding is super sketchy. And they don't make that plate anymore--I've tried to buy it but the dang boots are from the Olin Mark IV days. The bad news is I will be logging more time at Surefoot trying to find a boot that doesn't make my feet go numb.
Other good news, walking home in the snow barefoot made my feet feel better (yes walking on rock salt, grit, and snow was a huge improvement over the boots $%##%!! Surefoot).
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