Saturday I drove my daughter to and from hockey games in Vail. I returned driving through snow. total miles 210.
Sunday I drove my daughter to and from hockey games in Eagle. I left in a bunch of ice and snow.
total miles 155.
Sunday I flew to St. Louis to help my mom out with some stuff. time between returning from hockey and getting to airport to pack bag---3 minutes. Time I arrived at airport before flights --28 minutes. Time spent arguing with ticket agent to let me on plane when I was checking in less than 45 minutes before flight --5 minutes. Number of stops to get to St. Louis from Aspen --1 stop in Denver. Fun-----oh you betcha.
Return flight on Wednesday from St. Louis by was of Chicago. Delay--yup. Seatmate on flight smelling worse than any of the homeless people I served in Chicago over 15 years---you betcha. And he was angry and drunk too. But after take off and seat belt light came off (1 hour) I was able to move into an empty seat next to a guy. Nice guy. Modest guy. Asked about maybe going for a ride with me someday. He likes to ride road bikes. And his son skies with my son. Sure maybe a ride. His name is Scott Mercier ----yea that one. The one who refused to dope ---with US postal service. Humm think he might punish me just a bit for crowding him on flight. I think yes. Another one of those ohhh too modest Aspen folks. no dope scott
Yesterday I skied with my wife. I gotta say I am starting to find skiing a bit dull. Is it me or the conditions? Great question and a bit of luck gave me the answer. I got off the gondola and ski patrol was announcing that they had just opened up Walsh's. I was maybe the 10th person all season down it. Steep, fresh deep powder (a bit heavy but who the heck cares) big flying superman turns. huge shit eating grin as snow blew in my face and flew from my tails.
Answer is the conditions were taking away some of the fun---bring back the snow and the fun comes with it.
And it's snowing today.
Warning --tomorrow's post is deadly serious.
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