Monday, January 1, 2018

I found my calling

my higher calling----my job---my passion ---my mission in life is................

to be a bouncer-doorman.

I worked the door at Shlomo's for the AVSC event Saturday and it seems I finally found what I was meant to do.  Namely say No.  My wife and kids would tell you I have been practicing the big No for years around the house but now I got to put it to work.  Fantastic.

"My kids are inside, can I go in and find them? " No.

"I was on the Super G team--we won let me in."  No.

"I am screwing the captain of the super G team.  Let me in." No.

"I am setting up the lights for the party tomorrow let me in"No.  Wait leave me your wallet and you can go in.  (see how flexible I can be).

"I'm dale Earnhardt Jr."  Yes you are and No.  Wait I've got a wrist band---then Ok.

"I'm a fucking Kennedy and Shlomo has a table for me." No.  After Shlomo dressed me down anyone who said they were a Kennedy got in (new secret password) including one guy with more grey chest hair than anyone should show off (shirt and ski jacket undone to navel) and one older women who flipped me the bird while rolling past me at 20 mph.

Best look might have been Bode Miller with child in one hand and bottle (baby bottle of milk) in other.

Toughest question I was asked.  "on a scale of 1 to bumping how bumping is this party' ohhh its bumping and the answer is NO unless you pay for a ticket.

On the plus side I was able to direct many No's to another volunteer who sold them a wrist band of fun which allowed them to join the party.  We raised an additional 2k with a firm yet friendly approach to access to the best party of the year. 

I was also offered a job working security.  I gave that a firm maybe. 

And I got to work Lesley and Huner Hill who were most excellent and maybe even find a backup sailing teammate for my son (the youngest Hill).

Happy and healthy new year to you ---and there is no snow.  My daughter spent the day in the park mastering her 180s and 360s but for the rest of you out of town skiers skip CO for now---its bare.

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