Wednesday, March 18, 2020

COVID-19 Day 6

on the lighter side

COVID-19 Aspen style has resulted in a run on AT (uphilling) equipment.    Yup that stuff flew off the shelves as fast as you could say corona.  Can't get rid of downhill skis but anything that allows you to get out and about right now (sleds, cross country ski set up, fat tire bikes) are all the rage. 

Important to know liquor stores are well stocked, however the TP situation is worrying but not dire yet. 

If things do get bad find 'John'.  He was last seen in Basalt.

another fab use of time for those of you in big city quarantine

now for a public service announcement I will answer a few questions:

Green Acres, I have a penthouse in NYC, a house in Greenwich and a house in Aspen, I am thinking of taking the G-5 to Aspen to ride out the storm.

Dear Rider on the Storm, 

Please consider that Aspen is at 8k feet and we are talking about a virus that attacks the respiratory system.  Maybe choosing to be at 8k feet is not so wise.  Also our hospital has about 20 beds, no docs who specialize in much of anything besides ortho, and we have community spread in Aspen.  Greenwich sounds lovely this time of year and if you have a carriage house you want to loan to me lmk and i'll pack up the car.

Dear Green Acres,   I just went for a run up Smuggler and now I am short of breath, coughing and have a running nose.  Should I get tested for COVID-19.

Dear Psychosomatic,

As long as you made it up in under 10 minutes you are fine.  Slightly more seriously, (but not very) did you make it in less than 40 minutes, do you have a fever, more than usual muscle fatigue or aches and pains?  No fever, usual muscle fatigue because you are very active and you get a cough when exercising in the cold during snowmelt releasing snow mold, I would say you are fine.  If in doubt take a nap, and take extra good care of yourself.  Most people's' immune system does a lovely job of fighting COVID-19, give yours the best chance to win that battle without medical intervention.

Dear Green Acres, will there be an orgy when this is over?

Dear Horny Teen,


Dear Green Acres, will I be invited?

Dear annoy horny teen,

If you have to ask, No.

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