So I tried to tempt him to come have a meal at our house:
First I offered up Chicken Tikki Corona

While tempted he took a pass
Then I tried doner corona kabab
Which almost got him through the front door but he still didn't feel quite that lucky, so I tried
corona cherry pie
clearly today's post has a heavy visual component to it
this picture is called corona optimism (we brought the lawn furniture up yesterday--note storm coming down the pass). I doubt my daughter will be eating corona pie under the umbrella anytime soon.
Speaking of optimism, my daughter didn't puke last night!!!!!!!! Yea! We got food into her and it stayed in her. It's only 2 pm as I write this so I guess it's not surprising that we haven't seen her yet (her earliest wake up during COVID fun has been 4 pm). I will admit I did go into her room to check and make sure she was breathing. She is. I also laid my hand on her head, and she doesn't have a fever and her breathing is normal. So all that is good, but holy smokes it is a little worrying to even wonder if you kid is alive. (back of brain is saying......." I mean she has got to be ok? If she was really having trouble breathing she would wake up and let us know." Right? Right? Right!) Shut up back of brain she is fine--the local docs all say she is fine although they won't eat any of our corona foods.
Also as a positive I can smell the pie, kabab and curry so I guess I don't got it cause well, at least some people lose their sense of smell when they get the COVID. I learned that on tictoc so it must be true.
Lastly, I admit I have a couple of smart geeky friends. One of the geekiest is a Stanford, MIT physics prof who loves to talk about quantum wavelets with compressed sensing. Well kind of, but you should be impressed. He is smarter than 99.9999% of the word.
We were chatting yesterday and he mentioned that it was one thing to study exponential numbers, and play with them on a whiteboard, it's a whole different matter to actually live through it.
Please put your math caps on boys and girls---if one person has COVID in the US and every two days the number of infections doubles how many days does it take to infect the entire United States?
A. 1 week
B. 1 month
C 3 months
D. 6 months
E. Never
F. Who cares I am healthy and have a fast internet connection
Answer is C --well actually a bit less than 3 months but you get the point.
Next up----if we have 200k ventilators in the US (we don't have that many FYI) and only 5% of the population symptomatic at any one time and only 2% of the population that is symptomatic needs a ventilator do we have enough venalitors?
Answer---NO. we would need 300k sitting around unused to meet that need.
Scared. Don't be---this vid is a really lovely example of everyone listening to their better angels.
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