Thursday, December 23, 2021

Did Aspen Real Estate jump the shark?

 you make the call (I am no good at picking tops)

Middle school principal quits job---becomes real estate agent

Young local accountant tries to rent friends basement--aware there is no natural light or shower or kitchen says 'ill take anything '

GC is busting his butt to deliver neighbor's house on time (delivery date two days ago)---got busted last week for turning street into parking lot--37 trucks for 1 job site.  Fined GC and drivers---no one cares making too much money.  Also failed to deliver on time----still not heat for the family for x-mas---how very Aspen Dickens.

TDR's (transfer development rights) ---the right to build an extra 250 square feet above code (per TDR) trades at $1.8m up from aprox $200k for the past 5 years.  (ie about a 900% jump in about a year).

Every local I know who is not in real estate is talking (yes talk is cheap) about moving.

Poll in the local paper about how difficult is it to get a table for dinner lately---not sure I will never be able to afford to eat out in Aspen again leads results with 60% of the vote (there are 5 different options).

A bit of land that I looked at buying 6 years ago for $4m sells for $20m (and sold 5 months ago for 15m).

Another local hunt (SU Casa ) will be gone---Mark Hunt adding it to his portfolio of land banked (ie vacant) properties.

The city council is trying to reduce prices by stopping development and short term rentals.  Maybe I missed something in econ class but reducing supply is an interesting way to lower prices---might I suggest eliminating all rules regarding development to both increase supply and reduce demand by making Aspen a less awesome place (more traffic, less views, more Texans).

merry x-mas.

PS its raining.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

naked teen hockey players (and another vent about getting screwed with my rental)

 i figured naked would get your attention so I put that in the title as click bait.

Seems our fearless board of health has decided the best way to keep COVID to a minimum is to have hockey players (both boys-men, girls-woman) change outside the locker room so that they don't have to share a confined space while wearing a mask at all times---my daughter was kind enough to inform me that doing suicides at the end of an hour of dryland and an hour skate with a mask on the whole time is ----suicidal.  My son helpfully pointed out that clearly the board of health hasn't been in the high school lunch room where kids are packed tight without masks (or to a restaurant).

Still the end result is naked hockey players changing in the rink.  Safe Sport is having a fit.

We went under contract on a bit of land to build a home.  Then during disclosure the developer provided the soils report that called out the risk of a sink hole in our building envelope. The developer offered to lean on the soils guy to re-write the report (does that make a sink hole magically go away?) While my most excellent insurance guy informed me that he couldn't insure against a sink hole.  We walked (ran) happily away from that property.

Our current rental ($20k a month up from a similar location-home when we moved her six years ago of $7.5k a month) continues to have issues.  Some of which are:

1.  water soaked hot tub cover making hot tub largely unusable (since before we moved in).

2.  poor heat in master bedroom that was called out in May but supposed to be offset by fireplace which doesn't work

3.  Washing machines were replaced and work but we are at close to 20 days of workers here and it ain't done yet (patching walls, painting, electrical sockets etc (lets not forget 3 weeks without a working washing machine)

4.  Windows that don't open (in my son's room--I mean if you are gonna hot box your room you dang well want to be able to open the windows)

5.  bathrooms without door hardware

6.  elevator not working (told in May would be working when we moved in)

7.  bald face lie from broker re rodents---I asked if there is a rodent problem, and the agent said 'no' uh except for the 14 that were killed in May which we found out from Orkin after we moved in

So we asked for compensation--seems to us that if you can't open the windows, close the bathroom door, wash your clothes, use the hot tub etc you shouldn't be asked to pay full rent that is supposed to include those things in the contract.

The owner feels otherwise.  He thinks that since we got such a discount (we paid his listed rental price) that we are not entitled to a refund.  I have no clue what to do---go to court?  Seems like I will pay lots of money in legal fees to get a little money back from the owner.   

Bottom line---do not rent in Aspen-Snowmass Village.  Ever single owner has fucked us.  Every fucking one.  And the real estate agencies that are making a fortune couldn't give a shit from what I can tell.  Rental contracts are best used as toilet paper.  For a small town Aspen sure is full of a bunch of assholes.  

PS While I am ranting---I just got a notification of COVID-19 exposure for one of my kids (which one-they won't say to protect the privacy of the person with COVID).  Who the person is with COVID so we can evaluate the risk--did they just pass each other in the halls or did they spend the night sharing a joint?  If this is Pitkin contact tracing why bother?  Thank goodness the naked hockey girls are all wearing masks.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

fun stuff

 started a biz making and selling awesome ski racks---why stick your skis on top of your car when you can use a hitch mount---if it is good enough for your bikes why not your skis?


That has me pretty busy ergo fewer posts.

But some other fun facts ---Pitkin has an unofficial policy for covid--we are aiming for herd immunity.  Pretty much everyone has it but life continues as normal except for the sick folks.  Wonder what the end of shoulder season and prime x-mas-new years will bring.

We got no snow---well you can top to bottom on Aspen but that is about it, which ain't too bad if you are a local and looking to get a couple of laps in on a sunny 50 degree day but kinda sucks if you travel here and are paying a bunch of money.  Silver lining is Ski Co doesn't need a lot of employees to manage a couple of 100 acres of skiable terrain so the employee shortage don't matter.

Daughter's hockey is in full swing--one of her teammates was ejected from a game and has to sit out an additional game because VAIL sucks :)  

Also they now have to wear masks all the time---last night post practice all I heard about was how doing suicides in a mask sucks.  I told her back in my day...........---ok it does suck.

And her team now has to change in the open because COVID is really bad in locker rooms I guess (has anyone from the  heath board looked at the high school lunchroom?).   Meanwhile SafeSport is having a fit.

We went under contract on a bit of land near Wilts and then in disclosure found that a soils report indicated a chance of a sink hole in our building envelope.  Called my insurance guy who said 'never heard of that in CO and after looking into it we can't insure against a sink hole'.  We are back to the drawing board and I guess the top in real estate isn't in yet cause that can only happen after we buy something.

Lastly and surely least our Congressional Rep Lauren Bobert continues to be ummmm special.  Kinda wish a special school bus could take her away to a special place for people who serve tainted meat at the state fair, endanger their kids in their car, ignore health regulations at their restaurant, and wear a gun everywhere cause they are a scared little bi@ch.  Good news is it seems with her GED level education she hasn't figured out what Congress does nor how to actually do anything (good or ill) for her community outside of saying nasty things.  Would someone from the real world in the GOP please primary her?

Anyone want a rack?  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

don't compost because no good deed goes unpunished

We get our compost collected every Wednesday AM.  Today my son and daughter went into the garage, opened the door got ready to leave and then closed the garage and returned to the house.  Why?  Da Bears.

The white can the yearling is playing with is our compost.  My son didn't want to drive between the mother and her baby bear so we waited and took some video.  As a result my kids were late to school.  

late to school=tardy

too many tardies =report on academic record

negative report on record=poorer college options

Bottom line composting means my kids colleges options are negatively impacted.  So while composting might be good for the Earth it isn't good for my kids chances of success.  Think big picture?  Or family first?  Aint that always the question.

Dang that cub is cute.  

Monday, October 25, 2021

digital billboards

In Snowmass Village you are greeted  with a billboard telling you to keep you dogs on leash because of multiple dog-coyote interactions.  Interactions is a nice way to say coyotes eating your dog.  In the past week there have been 4 'incidents' in Snowmass Village.  Sadly my dogs don't know how to read the billboard and are not pleased with being on lead all the time.  There does seem to be more human-wildlife interaction every year.

Heading into Aspen the first digital billboard you see at the town line tells you that you must wear a mask indoors. The second one you see at the end of the S curve tells you that you must lock your garbage or face a fine.

Think about that.  If you don't lock your garbage you will be warned and then fined.  If you don't wear a mask you might or might not be warned but for sure you will not be fined.  Does Aspen put more weight on the lives of bears than humans?  

That got me thinking about what would happen if I shot a bear that broke into my house vs shooting a human doing the same.  I asked a couple of friends in law enforcement and while they wouldn't go on record nor say they had really studied the issue their first thoughts where that  you could be in more legal jeopardy from killing a bear than a human.

Lastly, for all you visitors it looks like Aspen is going to try to deliver a very 'normal' ski experience this winter.  For instance the BOH has indicated they will not reduce restaurant capacity until the hospital suspends elective procedures.  Yes you got that right, you can spay champagne to your heart's content (or your wallet's limit) at Cloud 9 until the hospital is in such dire straits that they can't function normally.  And the BOH has indicated they won't shut restaurants until after the hospital is in crisis mode triaging patients and rationing care.

Is it at all possible that we have got our priorities mixed up?  I believe there is a Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times'.  Yes indeed.   

PS ---Pitkin county has been in the COVID RED ZONE for the past three weeks of our off season.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

FUCK Texas

Aggressive title.  But it got your attention, so fuck yea.

Check out this lovely Texas native's parking job.

If you can't tell what you are looking at that is an Audi Q5 rockin Texas plates (plate GWS 9797 if you really care).  They did a great job parallel parking in downtown Aspen.  They got their tires straight--and left plenty of space between the trees---wait trees.  Yea they parked on the sidewalk.  And why not?  There was space so why not park where you want.  Sure there is a parking garage around the corner but that costs money.  Yea you could drive into the east end and circle for a bit and find something because its off season, but that is a pain and I am from Fucking Texas so I am gonna park right fucking here and own you libs.

If you wonder why some Aspen locals are getting frustrated with some of our part time citizens this picture sums it up, they got the Aspen sticker and the Texas plates and they act like they own the place.  

In a similar vein my son almost killed someone on Highline road (Snowmass) yesterday.  He was driving up the road (yes 5 mph over the speed limit) and an oncoming car was flashing their lights at him.  He slowed down, assuming around the curve there was a deer or a cop.  Nope, it was two visitors standing in the middle of the road taking pictures.  He slammed on the breaks and avoided contact, but if the other car hadn't warned him it could have been very ugly.  Why do tourists think this is some kind of bizzaro lifestyles of the rich and famous Disneyland.  If you wouldn't stop in the middle of the street in your hometown to take a picture don't do it here.  Do you park on the sidewalk in Texas?

Now to get political---do you know what society is with no laws?  It's called anarchy.  Laws infringe on your personal liberty (whether to take a picture in the middle of the road, park on a sidewalk, get vaccinated, or carry a gun).  As an employer or employee do you really want to have a workplace full of unvaccinated people?  Do you really want no limits on firearms---just think of 7 year olds with AR-15s and handguns.  Or to move to a less loaded topic how about a world with no driving rules (speed limits, stop signs all those things that infringe on your right to GO).  Who wants to live in a world with no driving laws?  Thought so, now shut up and go get your COVID jab.

On a slightly different topic some friends of mine made a mistake and went out to dinner with a couple from out of town.  A bottle of wine, 2 apps, 3 mains and a couple of orders of veg and they walked out $800 bucks lighter.  They won't be going out to dinner again any time soon.

$800 dinner menue

Friday, October 8, 2021

OMG I won Powerball

 Actually I didn't.  

I was at Citymarket in Aspen and after finding the shelves bare of seltzer I looked up while checking out and noticed the current powerball jackpot was $20 Million.  That got me thinking---if I won powerball what kind of home could I buy in Aspen?

Answer is not much.

I figured I would take the lump sum, pay the taxes and take my powerball winnings to Aspen Sotheby's and buy myself an excellent Aspen mansion.  Except after the lump sum discount and taxes my payout is 'only' $8.8 million.  The 'average' home sales price in Aspen for September was $12.2m and price per square foot was $2k.  So yea you could buy a meh 4k square foot home with your powerball winnings.  Or you could keep $1m for some improvements and taxes etc and buy this gem for $7.75m.

powerball winnings home

Anyone besides me wondering if Aspen homes might look a bit like tulip bulbs.

Monday, September 20, 2021

fun new aspen tidbits

 I served like 300 burgers yesterday at the hockey fundraiser and now my dogs think I am the best most tasty human EVER.

I have run into a bear each of the past 3 days (twice in horse ranch and one family on the ditch trail).

My daughter was driving into town and ran a (very) stale yellow light at Cemetary lane.  The person who was first in line turning onto 82 followed my daughter into town and when she pulled over to park near Koch park proceeded to yell at her for running the light.  Yes, I had already used that as a teaching moment in the car to talk about timing and how she had plenty of room to stop and should have but this most helpful Aspen citizen decided to help as well by following her 1.5 miles and then informing her that she is a shit driver and shouldn't drive.  Sylvie asked how she was going to learn and that resulted in more screaming---glad she wasn't armed.

My son was driving in horse ranch.  He tends to drive fast but in this case seeing an off lead dog he slowed down to about 8 mph and gave everyone a wide berth.  The home owner chased my son down (gives you an idea how fast he was going) to yell at him, but my son decided he didn't want to deal with some old guy yelling and him so he drove away.  Next thing you know at the HOA meeting my son is the subject of scrutiny for his reckless driving.

Thank you Aspen vigilantes.

And best of all in true Western slope style due to construction, cars were deviated off Owl creek into the dirt.  The car in front of us kicked up a stone and cracked the windshield.  Big long spider crack that needs to be fixed.  Called the local shop and they quoted $1050 (the national average is $550) and Safelite in Glenwood Springs was at $700.  I schedule an apt (having given my Vin to ensure the glass was available), get lots of texts and emails confirming and reminding me of my apt.  I get there at 9:25 for my 9:30 apt.  Leave car per request with instructions that it will be done by 5 pm.  Ugh.  I go to the park and do some work and get some mex food, and at 1:45 Safelite calls to tell me they don't have the glass--that it got sent to Denver the day before.  I let them know that sucked.  They let me know it sucked for them too because they would get less business done today but I could schedule for next week and this has happened with their computer system before.  I let them know I had to drive a hour each way and missed a day of work for this and they said well it sucks for them too.  


Can I please give Safelite less than 1 star.  Ohhh yea and then I went on the corporate website to see about compensation for my time and gas and after waiting 30 min for chat feature was told to call the shop--the same shop that basically told me to fuck off.  Or I could call corporate but its too late now as they closed while I was waiting on chat.   GRRRRRRRRR

One week into Jewish new year and graciousness is failing me.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

she is negative (i think), happy new year and ohhh yea we got rats (and chipmunks and mice)

 first things first---Monday at noon we got a result (negative)  that is 6 days after the school asked her to get tested and 5 days after test was taken.  Only one test result although they took two samples (nasal and spit they only return spit (I believe)).  Heard from the board of health that they were surprised over the need for testing---AND they are trying really hard.  I could give a lot of snarky comments but seeing as its Yom Kippur I will just say----ummmm poor job.

Happy and healthy new year to one and all.  I hope that you can find a way to find joy and happiness in our new weird normal and I am going to be more understanding and gracious to others.

I am having trouble being understanding with my new landlord and his agents.  I am paying a HUGE sum of money to rent an ok house.  OK assuming not having a working laundry machine is ok.  We moved in and next thing ya know I am driving to El Jabel (25 min away) to do laundry at the laundromat.   But wait there's more---when we viewed the house in May we noticed a lot of mice traps all around the house.  I asked the rental agent if there was a rodent problem and they said 'NO'.  The previous renters had moved out early and they put out the traps because the house was unoccupied but no rodent problem.  Today the pest control person showed up to do their monthly thing and we spoke about rodents.  Turns out the house has mice, chipmunks and rats.  We found evidence of woodrats in the house.   I have been hearing them in the roof at 4 am tearing up the roof (can't wait for the snow to melt and the leaks to start).  And it seems they are fond of taking toothbrushes and shiny objects.  Earlier this summer they had a chipmunk infestation--I asked how many chipmunks does it take to be infested and pest control estimated that they had killed 20 in the house.  And then there are the mice droppings in the garage which pest control said was our hotspot.

I am already having trouble with the understanding and gracious party of the new year.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

COVID testing update part 3

Its Sunday 11am and I am getting ready to watch some football having walked the dogs up to Sam's knob.  I got a beautiful view from Slot of the hot air ballons.  Weather is great.  Dogs found some bones.  Son got to work on and fly one of the balloons.  Daughter got to practice pipetting on her computer.  We almost got working laundry machines today but hey didn't fit (yes I am paying $20k a month in rent and at day 12 still don't have a working laundry machine---clearly I expect too much).  All good.

It's now been 98 hours since my daughter's CVOID test was administered, and 116 hours since the school requested she be tested.  No results so far.

To put it simply, IMHO this is a massive failure by both Pitkin County and Aspen School District.  How is it possible that a private lab can turn around test in hours but it takes Pitkin County days (or maybe weeks who knows).  If the school wants students and staff tested (and they should) they should make sure they can provide rapid PCR tests.  If Pitkin county is serious about lives and livelihood they should also be able to provide testing equal to the private sector, but they can't even come close.  What a fucking joke.

Let me take a minute to walk through some possible objections.

1.  Cost---private PCR test cost either $185 or $425.  That is gonna be a pretty big bill for school parents if every time their kid gets tired or a runny nose they need to drop $425 to get their kid back in school.  But the county is awash in COVID money from the state and federal government.  And if that isn't enough put a special COVID fee on ---well everything.  Resturants did this, hotels can do this, all retail can do this, shoot if Pitkin wasn't scared they could do it on real estate transactions.  If there is a will there's a way to get this paid for----maybe there just isn't the will.

2.  Availability and staffing.  Currently there are 4 locations all within about 2 miles of each other but the county ones are pretty much only open from 7:30-11:30 am 5 days a week.  Why 3 county locations?  Why shut at 11:30 AM?  My guess is it's hard to get staff, but might I suggest 1 location open 11 hours a day and get the tests processed in the roaring fork valley?  If it's a cost issue see above---there has got to be a way for a county as rich as Pitkin to be able to process tests locally---a private business figured out how to do this why can't the county that covers 4 police departments and a hospital.

Goodness, I am struggling to find any good objections.  Fast, free and accurate testing is a key tool to fight a pandemic.  The testing functionality exists.  The source of funding exists in Pitkin County.  But if you can't get fast test results free and accurate is pretty much meaningless.  I guess we could argue over the meaning of fast but I strongly believe that most right minded people would agree that results in hours is fast and useful as a mitigation measure, and results that take 3-7 days isn't.

While I am on a rant, how about ASD provides N95 masks to students and staff?  How about ASD having a plan and implementing  it for kids that are told to isolate or quarantine (simple and obvious one being turn the cameras on at school so students can attend class virtually ---its not perfect but better than nothing). How about the school provide fast turnaround testing if the county can't -won't.  How about ASD only use providers who are vaccinated (the guides on my daughter's raft trip weren't).   

Pitkin County how about moving out of third world services where testing results take 3-7 days?  How about doing contact tracing (well that is pointless if results take days---but if you figure out how to get test results in hours like the for profit business in town then contact tracing is effective).

And Aspen Times and Daily News how about a tiny bit of investigative journalism and less puff marketing bits.  If you were sending employees to get tested a couple of times a week a the free county facilities you could have broken the story about how delayed testing results are in Pitkin County.

My guess is our leaders are scared.  They don't really want to know how much COVID there is.  So they bury their heads in the sand, and take walking tours on Pandora's and debate removing parking spots to improve parking in downtown.

I feel like I have fallen through the looking glass.

Friday, September 10, 2021

more COVID info from the front lines

 still no test results for my daughter.

While all my medical friends continue to tell me I am an idiot and don't know anything (as do members of the local board of health and the school superintendent), I do wonder how effective testing is as a tool to fight COVID if testing results take 3 or more days.  3 hours or less would be great, but honestly contact tracing when testing takes 3 days seems like a waste to me.  I know, I know clearly I don't understand.  But how useful will a positive test result for my daughter be?  Will Pitkin and the school district decide to test her entire EX Ed group, friends she had a sleepover with, friends at a party and ohhhhh the best part people in the VIP section at JAS.  Oh yea testing the VIPs is gonna be excellent.  Oh yea and the kids in her class room at school.  And of course her family and then after her family get results anyone and everyone we have had contact with over the past week.  

Speaking of COVID and JAS labor day music fest those same docs pointed to lollapalooza in Chicago and the (limited) evidence that lolla resulted in minimal COVID transmission.  What those same docs fail to note is Cook county at that time had a transmission and positivity rate half of what we had in Pitkin over labor day.  Maybe comparing an outdoor music event when CDC risk level is moderate (Chicago in August) vs high as it was in Pitkin during JAS labor day fest isn't really a informative comparison.  

Or maybe I am just clueless and my risk management brain just gets me into trouble.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

what I learned (yea a COVID post sorry)

 My daughter went on Ex Ed (experiential education trip) last week.  This involved rafting, sleeping in a tent and a fair bit of rain.  A couple of days after she returned she developed a sore throat and was tired.  Given the trip that isn't a surprise.  She had no fever, she hasn't not lost her sense of smell and she is pretty much just seems like a teenager with a very mild cold.  The school did require everyone who went on the trip to either be vaxxed or show a negative COVID test, EXCEPT for the guides who were all unvaccinated. (good GOP Mormons).  

Yesterday at school she fell asleep in class.  How many high school kids fall asleep in class in the first full week of school? (answer pretty much everyone).

The teacher sent her to the nurse (which is in the elementary school).  The nurse told her to get a COVID test and go home.  She asked if she could go home with her brother at 3:45, but the nurse said she wanted my daughter out of their ASAP so I drove 25 min from Snowmass to school to pick her up at 3:20 reducing the school exposure to my daughter by 25 min.  

When I arrived at the elementary school my daughter was sitting inside the entry of the elementary school because the nurse didn't want her in the infirmary.  The nurse came out and told me that my daughter could return to school after she is 'symptom free' for 24 hours and has a negative COVID test.  I asked about where I could get a COVID test and she said in town or the airport and I told my daughter,  "lets go".  The nurse was then kind enough to inform me that the testing sites close at 3 pm.

Last night I checked out the testing sites online and they said no appointment was required.  I went to the airport at 8:30 am and discovered that an appointment is required.  I worked my way through the very shitty user interface from my phone and got her registered.  Because she is 'symptomatic' they did both a nasal and spit test.  I also learned that the samples go to 'our lab' in Texas and fly out at the end of the day.  Once the lab gets the test results (sometime tomorrow) the turn around is 24-48 hours with possible delay because of the weekend.  Bottom line, my daughter is going to miss at least two days of school and maybe 4 while we wait on a test (assuming its negative).

Some quick observations:

1.  In my brief time at school I saw two teachers and one police officer not wearing masks in school buildings.  I also saw a nurse struggle to cover her nose while dealing with my daughter (presumptive COVID positive).  I only saw 4 adults while picking up my daughter (the 4 I just called out).

2.  The school is sending high school kids who are presumed COVID positive to the elementary school---why send a student from the high school where most people are vaxxed to a building where no students are vaxxed?

3.  I totally understand the school wanting to act out of an abundance of caution with 'sick' kids, BUT if you send every tired kid with a runny nose home from school and make them miss 3-5 days of school while waiting for a COVID test result how damaging is that to their educational experience?  In case you don't know the answer its VERY.  I am also aware that it is possible to get a PCR test turned around in less than an hour---how about getting that functionality to the school so the school can both protect students and staff's health while not making every kid with a runny nose miss 4 days of school.  While we are at it how about randoming testing of students and staff.  They do this at my mom's nursing home.  They do this at private schools all over the east coast.  Given the risk of asymptomatic spread, random testing is a great way to provide useful data to make informed decisions and promote a safer school environment.

Lastly, from the front page of today's paper; to paraphrase-- our local fearless leaders indicated they couldn't support a mask mandate because people wouldn't like it.  You know what my daughter didn't like?  A chem assignment that involved using a 'gizmo' on her computer to fill a beaker to a certain water level ----over and over again.  That was supposed to teach her is how to read the meniscus on a beaker, but in reality was more about the functionality of a program to 'pour and pipette' water.  She doesn't want to do that, finds it boring and completely unuseful.  She is right, but I tell her she has to do it.  An inside mask mandate in a county that has been at high transmission for 3-4 weeks would actually be useful and make a difference but people don't want to do that either.  I guess adults shouldn't have to do stuff they don't want to even if it makes sense, yet we demand that our kids do pointless stuff.  I can see why teenagers are pissed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Moving again (and again and again)

 We have lived in Aspen-Snowmass for 5+ years.

My first blog with our move from Chicago to Snowmass (move 1).

After a year we moved across the street in Snowmass without pro movers (it was just across the street right ?????) but in the middle of that move my dad fell and needed emergency surgery so I was off to STL leaving my wife with the move (yes we are still married somehow). (move 2)

less than 2 months later we moved again---the place was furnished like a college dorm which kinda sucks when you are in your 50s.

We then moved to East Aspen for 3 years (with pro movers saving my marriage) (move 3)

a year ago we moved back to Snowmass village (pro movers but still) (move 4)

in Oct of 2020 our house finally sold in Chicago resulting in use moving out our furniture and remainder of stuff from Chicago (how big a move was that......fucking big like big big big with fucking fuck fuck worst pro movers ever like tony suprano taking us for $25k) (move 5)

and then in March of 2021 my mom moved into a retirement community meaning another move for me to manage (move 6)

now we are moving again (house sold) to another home in Snowmass village (move 7)

 that is 7 moves in just over 5 years -----OMG

Why are we renting and not buying?  When I started this blog I pitched Aspen as a low cost alternative to Chicago.  Since then Aspen real estate is up about 150% and the cost of everything else in Aspen is up about 60%.  I am not sure we can afford to stay here much longer---get the boy out of high school in 2022 and who knows where the next move will be.

Monday, August 30, 2021

my daughter maybe the funniest person in the world

 My daughter went to summer boarding school for a month this summer.  She is in 10th grade.  She was hanging out with a 9th grader and they were talking about a book they both had read for pleasure that year---Go Ask Alice.   

For those of you unfamiliar with the book it is "praised for conveying a powerful message about the dangers of drug abuse. " The main character is raped, abused, meseriable loses her mind for a while and then dies of a drug overdose.

The 9th grader says to my daughter ---"wow yea that book made me want to try molly and X and LSD." 

My daughter looked at her and said ' that is what you took away?'

Interesting.  My daughter will not be attending that boarding school.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Bang--second day of school and the boy gets in trouble

 He popped a Mylar balloon in the main hang out area.  Seems it sounded like a gunshot, and, well use your imagination.  On the plus side the school didn't go into lock down.  A teacher was there and saw what happened so it was clear that it was a balloon not a gun but.........come on people, when everyone freaks out over a balloon popping in a high school maybe it's time to address the gun control head on.

We move next week.  Should be a solid pain in the ass.  If any families with multiple kids, dogs and bunnies and a large kitchen wondered if moving rental homes every year or so was a good idea the answer is ahhhhh NO.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Highway I70 still closed

 going on day 3.

And it's been closed for long periods of time over the past 3 years.  Why?  Ostensibly fire followed by mud and rock slides due to the fire.  But really it's climate change.

How much does it cost our country to have one of the major East-West arteriest closed?

Answer---a lot.

So maybe when it comes time to vote and your pissed about travel times or scarcity of goods, vote for the party that actually believes in science and has proposals to help limit climate disruption.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Tragic or Stupid?

On July 3rd a Hawker Beechcraft G36 left Aspen airport.  At the last minute the pilots decided against taking their pre planned route out of Aspen or the route taken by virtually every plane to the south.  They instead decided to circle over Aspen, gain as much altitude as they could and fly up Hunter Creek Valley.  Fourteen miles later at just under 11k vertical they crashed into some trees near a meadow near mid valley pass.  Both passengers-(who were also pilots) died.

Yesterday we decided to hike to the crash site.  I wouldn't recommend this---while not a super hard hike, it is not visible and for the inexperienced represents a great opportunity to get lost.

Below are some pictures I took.

Things you will noticed from the pictures---they crashed into trees feet from a meadow (they plowed straight into the trees---I suspect they were trying to turn around and head back down but lost speed as they attempted a tight turn at an altitude that was near the performance limit of their plane).  They blue thing on the ground was their ipad with foreflight app to assist with flying.  Also you will see the burned trees.

Bottom line, two pilots ignored ground control advice and their plane's performance limits and died as a result.  They also risked starting a major forest fire, and created costs that will ultimately be born by many in terms of higher insurance costs and use of public resources to remove the bodies and deal with the site.


Next up in our tragic or stupid list, I was at the Snowmass post office last week and ran into two old (unmasked) codgers bitching about Covid vaccines, proudly claiming they wouldn't get one, claiming they had had COVID in January of 2020 (making them the first cases in Colorado) and one of them was wearing this shirt.

Approximately 99% of recent COVID deaths are in unvaccinated people and 96% of all COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated.  If someone chooses not to get vaccinated is that tragic or stupid.  What about when that decision affects the lives and livelihood of everyone in our country?  I asked these gentlemen if they were pro drunk driving and they indicated they were not.  I asked them to explain to me the difference between allowing drunk drivers to roam our roads causing death and destruction to others and allowing unvaccinated people to spread disease, use up medical resources, and in general socialize the cost of their choice.   They told me to 'fuck off'.  Tragic or Stupid?  How about if a bus load of children are in a major car accident and all the beds in the hospital are filled with unvaccinated COVID patients?


Last up in our Stupid or Tragic poll.  The GOP.  What do you think about a party that chooses to undermine democracy by lying about election integrity in order to assuage the ego of one man?  How about cheering low vaccine take up numbers at a major GOP event?  How about not allowing health care officials in Tennessee to inform their younger citizens about vaccination programs (heck are they pro polio)?  Or passing laws to withhold funding from schools that teach issues that are divisive or offensive to anyone (talk about taking PC to a whole new level).  Or complaining about deficits having past an unfunded tax cut of $2.3 trillion in 2017.  How about supporting white supremacists?  Or suggesting that January 6th wasn't a violent attack on our capital or police while in the same breath claiming blue lives matter.  Is it tragic or stupid when in a country with two political parties one has clearly lost its mind.   


Last up, with the Olympics starting this week is it tragic or stupid that Ms. Richardson has been kicked out because she used marijuana, but neither the Japanese or Tokyo government nor the Olympic governing bodies are requiring COVID vaccinations to participate in the Olympics.  In case you are wondering athletes in the Olympic village are testing positive.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Not Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

The first step in finding a solution is accurately identifying the problem.  Even before identifying the problem you must get data.

Some data:

On my regular dog walk I pass 42 houses in my neighborhood.  Of those 42 homes, 3 are occupied by full time residents.  I am defining full time residents as someone who spends more than 6 months out of the year in their home.  Of those 3 families two are long term renters, leaving one full time owner in my neighborhood.  And when my lease is up my home will join the other 40 houses and become a member of the part time housing stock.  The owner of the other long term renal house is also considering selling or moving to short term rentals meaning pretty soon this neighborhood of 42 homes could be down to one mostly (she spends 4-5 months a year elsewhere) full time family.

Is that anyone's idea of a neighborhood?  

Is that a problem?

If so, what is the solution?

My answers to those questions are: NO, YES, and heck I don't know.

Some additional data.  A most excellent friend of mine needs to hire two people to keep his business running.  He is paying $60k a year.  He has found employees he wants to hire, BUT they can't find housing.  I thought I might be able to help so I looked at the new Willits 7 affordable housing project which being 20 miles away is not exactly in the community (ie school district) but because it's out of the community is more 'affordable'.  One of his hires is married and their spouse also makes $60k a year.  With combined family income of $120k they make too much money to qualify for housing in Willits 7---for two the max income to qualify for Willits 7 housing is $104,747---even if they have a child their income is too high to qualify.  In another example of weird housing qualifications at Willits 7, for a single individual moving into a 1 bedroom the max income is $91,654 and they are not allowed to have more than 33% of your gross income go to rent which means for a one bedroom your minimum gross income is $69,127 a year.  So basically if you are a single person making between $70k and $90k a year apply for a one bedroom in Willits 7--everyone else piss off.

Neighborhoods in the Aspen area that are mostly full of full time families are the affordable housing neighborhoods.  When you drive through them they feel a lot more like Mr. Roger's neighborhood.  People know each other, kids are playing outside with other kids in the 'hood, trick-or-treating is excellent, etc.  But those 'affordable' housing neighborhoods come with their own significant cost.  First, the homes are only affordable relative to Aspen pricing, in many other ski communities you can buy a free market home for between $300-400 a square foot.  In Aspen $350 a foot gets you a deed restricted home.  What is the problem with that?  Well no financial advisor would suggest investing the majority of your net worth in a home that can't really appreciate in value.  Even worse, doing improvements or maintenance on your home is gonna be Aspen expensive and none of that can be recouped when you sell.  Bottom line, many of those older affordable housing communities are kinda decrepit as owners either can't afford to do repairs or due to the economic disincentives of owning a deed restricted home choose not to do maintenance and improvements.

So what kind of community do you get when you move to Aspen-Snowmass?  Neighborhoods that are less than 10% occupied resulting in no sense of community (I could walk my dogs naked and not risk seeing any full time residents).  The deed restricted neighborhoods feel a bit like ghettos where residents are accepting financial punishment to live and work in their community.  And employers who increasingly can't find housing for their employees within 40 miles of where they work.  Bottom line what does the Aspen-Snowmass housing look like?  Vast numbers of homes that are unoccupied the majority of the time with small ghettos where workers accept punitive financial terms to live near where they work and a majority of the workers living in other communities.

Mr. Roger's neighborhood didn't look anything like that, and I don't believe anyone would suggest that is the description of a healthy community.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Is Donald J. Trump God?

 Reflecting on billboards and various other signage I saw while driving with my son from CO to RI (through KS, MO, IL, IN, OH, Penn, NY, NH, ME, MA, CT, and VT) if I was to compile a list of the top 5 signs I saw along the highway my unscientific analysis would be:

5.  Porn (with MO being the dominant state in this category)

4.  Fireworks

1,2,3 a dead heat between 

        A.  Need help, Jesus saves call 800 xxx-oooo

        B.  Anti Choice, all embryos are pure life (maybe eggs too) so women don't fuck with em

        C.  Trump

And of all the various signage I saw it was Trump who didn't just have signs but also shrines.  As my son noted as we went by two large containers parked in the middle of a field of corn and windmills (yes a GOPer who loves his federal government subsidizes), "wow dad that just isn't two containers that they installed on man made berm, but they also installed 30 foot polls and then ran electricity to a lighting system to light the shrine up all night long."

To be clear most of the Trump signage we saw wasn't old election stuff---not Trump- Pence 2020 or even Trump 2024 although there was some of that.  This was just Trump.  Not for a particular election.  Not with a running mate.  This was just pure Trump adulation.

Which got me wondering (once again) WHY?  What is it that some Americans find so appealing about a twice divorced, adultering, trustafarian, who has declared bankruptcy 3 times, and trusts Putin more than his own intelligence services and can't abide by democracy and seemingly couldn't find the truth if he was locked in a closet with it- although he would surely grope it.

I mean would you want Trump as a business partner?  Would you trust him to house-dog sit?  Yet there is a cult like following of this horribly flawed individual.  His followers flock to his sermons to hear him preach the gospel of windmills causing cancer, bleach curing COVID, masks signaling weakness, and how his followers are helping America win against all that is evil and trying to destroy it.

I honestly can't claim any insight as to Why, nor even What to do about Trump.  I will say that somehow he has gone from failed real estate exec and burned out TV host to having a religious like following.  He doesn't look like he is going away any time soon, and maybe more worryingly it doesn't seem like his followers passion is losing any of its intensity.  

So yea I guess if the words of Jesus aren't helping you find peace, and controlling women's bodies ain't getting you to your happy place, and you need a place to vent your anger Trump is waiting for you with open hands as long as you remember to show up with an open wallet.  

Thursday, July 1, 2021

did aspen just jump the shark?

 yea its been too long.  No excuses.

A friend of mine just bought a house (around $1.2k a square foot in snowmass in need of work).  And after putting on a new roof they were thinking about getting the 3.7k square foot interior painted.  The first painter they spoke to quoted them $170k to paint the interior of the house (including wood beam ceilings but not 'extras' like the lighting fixtures etc).

WOW.  WTF.  Holy shit and ummmmmmm I will do it for $100k.

Let's take a minute to unpack that price.  First off the 'right' price in most of this country in probably around $10k.  Figure Aspen pricing is 1.2x the right national price which puts you at 25k.  I spoke to a couple of friends in the business up here and they suggested given how busy construction is now maybe the 'right' Aspen price is $40k.  Which is 4x the 'right' national price but ummmmmm ok.  

Where did $170k come from?  My best guess is the painter is slammed but for 4x the 'right Aspen' price he will either pull painters off other jobs, add overtime, fly to the border and try to hire some immigrants for like $500 an hour and still make $50k for himself for oversight.  Or maybe he just felt like saying FU to some nice middle class locals.  Either way my friends did not accept his proposal.

But at a deeper level this issue highlights a huge problem that is playing out hugely in Aspen.  Namely, you can't find decent help these days and for sure not at a decent price.  In our last home our oven broke.  It took almost 4 months to get it repaired, and cost an arm and a leg.  

My guess is if you bought land in the upper roaring fork valley today you might be looking at a move in date out about 3 years.  Why?  Well for starters the permitting process is backed up (assuming you can find an architect with bandwidth and experience in the area).  Why?  Can't find enough people to work in the permitting office to meet the demand in a reasonable time frame.  Then getting a builder and decent subs---they are booked out years right now.  Why?  Can't find experienced and reliable construction workers.  

In another example our school just lost our flight instructor.  Why?  She is going to fly private jets.  Why?  Well it's all about the Benjamins.  If you can make 4x-8x your school teachers salary and where you live is wicked expensive what would you do?  How is the school going to hire and retain decent talent when teacher compensation is in line with the national average but home costs are 4x the national average?  Not sure how the school district is going to square that circle.

And the restaurant scene.  I can't really speak to that nor can most of my friends because ----because well locals mostly don't eat out anymore.  We can't afford it, nor do we feel we are getting our money's worth.  A recent poll in the Aspen Times found about 70% of the locals thoughts the restaurant scene was bad our poor while 10% thought it was great.  When you pay a lot for food you expect to get a lot and honestly restaurants are also having a hiring problem.  When you got only fair staff in the kitchen, poor staff on the floor and mediocre ingredients how do you feel when the check comes to $100 a person with no booze?  Answer----pissed.

Some of my friends who work directly in service roles for the rich and famous are finding the ultra wealthy increasingly frustrated as well.  They expect more and right now they are having trouble getting it.  I guess if you want your house painted this summer your might have to drop $250k and accept a shit job done slowly.  No one likes that but the rich really, really don't.  The billionaire plus crowd is starting to fly in additional staff, the poorier ultra wealthy who are having to rely on local people are mostly walking around Clark's market in a drunken haze complaining.  

Bottom line Aspen is breaking.  Not only can you not get the service you want when you want it you can't get the service you need when you need it at almost any price.  Locals are angry.  Visitors are angry.  Pretty much everyone in this lovely little bit of nature's paradise is pissed off.  And there are no solutions in sight.  I asked my wife if we won the lotto would we want to stay in Aspen and neither of us could say for sure YES.  

Ok this is too long---more later.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

just when you thought you had it figured out

 I thought we had found an ok rental.  Yea it overlooked the highway.  Yea there was highway noise.  Yea it was on a septic system and propane for most everything although it was only 1/4 mile away from a traffic light onto highway 82 and across the street from a gas station.  All of that for the bargain basement price of $14k a month (oh yea did I mention that it isn't in the Aspen school district but the school agreed to let the kids continue at Aspen high school.)

And then just prior to signing a lease which required me to write a $50k check 4 months prior to move in date, I talked with a local Xfinity guy about ditching the satellite the new rental had and getting Xfinity.

No Xfinity.  No ATT.  No century link.  No direct TV internet.  The only provider is ViaSat and their top speed for that location is..................12Megs.  Yes if everything works right 12 Megs.  The Xfinity local said the real speed for that location is 6 Megs.   How slow is 6 Megs?  Faster than dial up but not much.  4kHD.  Not a chance.  Full HD---maybe on one device but pray that no one else decides to check their email.  

Can you rent or even sell a home where the average internet speed is going to be 6 Megs.  I don't think so, maybe that is why the home is 'cheap' if you can consider $14k a month to be in Snowmass (not Snowmass Village) cheap.  Or maybe no one asked the question before.  But seriously any house that you can't get at least 50 Megs should come with a warning label and under 25 should come with a special warning like cancel your Netflix account, your Spotify account, your Peloton bike and any cloud back up plan you have.

So bottom line---well I got no clue again where I am living (but I am sure those boarding schools have 1gig speeds) and when the Dems talk about internet as infrastructure they are not wrong.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Housing problem solved (well only kinda)

 When we moved here 5 years ago I pitched Aspen as a low cost alternative to Chicago.  People said, "what the heck", but I figured my $7.5k a month in rent ($90k annual) vs $45k in property tax in Chicago plus $70k in private school costs (total for my two kids) put me $25k ahead.

Now I am looking at $26.5k per month in rent for a similar type home (and let me be clear this is not a fab in aspen home this is a nice 25 year old home in horse ranch in snowmass).  For those of you not so math inclined that is a 28.7% annual increase each year for 5 years in a row.  

what $318k in rent gets you in snowmass

Yes that horse ranch house is 25% bigger but the price tag is 350% higher than my rent 5 years ago.  As someone who has been in the rental market for the last 5 years and knows it well these type homes have been renting for 10-15k a month for the past 5 years (even last year).  

So rather than paying $318 k per year in rent maybe I just do the following

sailing son at St. Georges (good prep school top sailing program)        $65k

Daughter dyslexic Forman (great boarding school for dyslexic kids plus hockey)        $84k

Me and wife Harvard MBA (including room and board)                                        $195k

Total                $344k

Now I know you are thinking well $318k is less than $344k and of course you are right.  I know this even without my MBA--however that $318 doesn't include utilities and the $5k charge we get hit with ever year for what is just wear and tear but owners won't tolerate wear and tear on their homes for $318 per year.  Add in utilities and standard damage charge you are at $344.6k per year.  But wait there is more---St. Georges and Forman costs include food--so I figure rather than paying 26.5k per month in rent me and the Mrs can get Harvard MBAs the kids get an improved education (sorry Aspen High) and my pocket book comes out $25k or so richer.

One sign the housing market has jumped the shark is when sending your kids to high end new england boarding schools and sending yourself and spouse to Harvard Biz school is a low cost alternative to rent.

Monday, April 26, 2021

that's a wrap (on the 20-21 ski season)

By the numbers:

person                        Cost of pass        Days               cost per day          special note

Me                                $2,567                75                    $34.25                caught 3 start of season rope drops

Wife                               $1801                42                    $42.90                broken foot missed 2 months

Son                                $374                    104                $3.60                   100 Days and straight A's

Daughter   (ugh)            $374                    7                    $53.42                bought food on hill every day

Other fun highlights.  

Campground lift didn't open till second week of February.  It was a shit snow year---if we didn't live on a ski run in snowmass those numbers would be much much lower (And the cost per ski day much higher).

My daughter hates HATES skiing.  Only done with friends under extreme duress.  And then offset by buying food on hill.

I never bought food on hill.  I didn't ski Aspen this winter (COVID gondola fears), nor Buttermilk (with no Bacon why go?)  

Wife broke her foot in a COVID (maybe) haze in early November---her insurance paid out $766 which is why her lift ticket costs are less.  

Best question on a chair lift from someone from North Carolina---'does the snow ever get too deep for you to ski?'  My knee jerk asshole response was 'NO'.  But to be honest the season opening rope drop on the rolling blacks off of high alpine the snow really was too deep on the flat sections---was kinda humorous to watch everyone hit the flat bits and just come to a halt.

Second best question from an out of town guest.  "are lift tickets really that expensive?  Is there some secret to getting less expensive lift tickets"  Yes they are that expensive and no there isn't a way to get less expensive tickets---maybe ICON but you got to read the fine print and it doesn't help much if you only ski 5 days a year.

So that is it for this year---a lot of quick short days made possible by home location, with many of those not very entertaining but heck its always nice to get outside and let electricity take you up and gravity take you down.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Aspen Vs. Steamboat

 just a quick compare and contrast (and yes the price of everything has gone up crazy)

                                       Aspen                                                    SteamBoat             

lift ticket                            $2850( Aspen only)                            $1k (ikon ulimited multi mountain)

Burger fries beer                $32 (white house)                                $ 19 (back door tavern)

Home                                  $3.7k a foot in town new construction  $1k a foot in town new construction

                                           aspen (good bit underground                      boat new construction home 

I have tried to compare apples to apples.  I am sure some folks will say the decor at white house is much nicer than back door (and they are not wrong), or the Aspen home finishes are much nicer (3.7x nicer---unlikely, maybe 30% nicer but of course steamboat has a bigger garage and is all above grade, and the lot in Steamboat is about 85% bigger).

The big question---is Aspen 3 times better than Steamboat?  

The smaller question is with Ikon and Epic passes covering pretty much every season pass you could want for less than 1k how the heck is Aspen Ski Co getting away with $2.8 times that.  I will say that Ski Co includes an Ikon base pass with the $2.85 k purchase price, but ......well it reminds of that old Aspen marketing slogan---exclusive by design.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Do tulips rhyme with Havens?

 When the conversation turns to financial bubbles,  tulip bulbs always have a starting role.  In the mid 1600s the price people were willing to pay for tulip bulbs went------up.  A lot.  And then crashed.  I could give you quotes about the price of various qualities of tulip bulbs in florins but that really doesn't tell you anything.  What does tell you something is near its peak it would take a skilled laborer 10 years of work to pay for 1 tulip bulb.  That is a lot of labor to buy a bulb.

Can it ever be rational to participate in a bubble.  I have long argued yes.  If most everyone else is in on the game and you chose not to participate your ability to buy stuff (not including tulip bulbs) will be limited.  If you go along for the ride---well at least you can keep up with the Jones's.  To bring the point home in more current assets assume everyone in the country is making money in Dodgycoin (the new cryptocurrency I invented yesterday) and it goes up so much that pretty much everyone in the world is worth an additional $25m except for you my dear reader who decided that Dodgycoin was well....dodgy.  If everyone else has an additional $25m in assets what do you think happens to the price of homes, or Tesla or airfare?  Economic theory would suggest they go up.  Bottom line, choosing to sit out a widespread financial bubble is risky---its a bit like shorting the stock market.  When you are right you really gain against everyone else, but when you are wrong it can really hurt your purchasing power relative everyone else.  And it's everyone else you are competing against to buy stuff so maybe it's time to open that coinbase account.

Ahhhh you might ask---what the hell does that have to do with the Havens?  The Havens is a building development at the base of Snowmass ski area.  It is comprised 10 single family homes ranging in size from 2,500 to 3,300 square feet.  They sold for between $5.7M and $8.4M or about $2,600 a square foot.  The project sold out in 42 days.  My guess is the new owners will be able to move in 1.5-2 years.  The homes will be tight to each other, not have much of a view, share an underground parking garage with an elevator that brings you up in the middle of the project at which point you have to lug your stuff to your house.  Oh yea and the HOA fees run around $36k per year (estimate prior to construction so that might be a low ball on HOA fees and that doesn't include any 'special assessments').   Overpriced?  You make the call---clearly 10 people didn't think so, but lets take a look at some 'comps'.

There has been a lot of development in the base village over the past 3 years.  Most of those units sold for between $1k-$1.5k a square foot.  Here is a link to an example--a 4 bed 4 bath new construction home that sold 9 months ago for $1.25k a square foot.

1,250k square foot snowmass base

Or if you are willing to live up Wood road and walk about 300 yards with your skis you could have bought this beautiful new construction home for $1.44k a square foot and gotten great views, an attached garage and HOA of $1,200.  

$1,400 a square foot, views, and $35k less HOA

Or if you were looking around a year or two ago you could have bought into the 1A townhomes in Aspen.  I think these are great comps---base of Aspen vs base of snowmass---new construction and similar type finishes.  These homes have similar HOA fees ($35k ish) but of course the home is about 80% bigger so HOA per square foot in Snowmass is about 80% more on a relative basis.  And you get an attached 2 car garage, and YOU ARE IN FUCKING ASPEN.  Historically, Aspen has traded at a 50-100% premium to Snowmass, so paying 2% more per square foot to be in Snowmass vs Aspen market.  The linked home sold less than 6 months ago.

lift 1A townhomes

What do you think?  Are the Havens priced a bit high relative to their 'comps'?

Remember the skilled Dutch laborer who had to work 10 years to buy 1 tulip bulb in the peak of the mania.  I decided to have some fun with numbers to try to figure out who might be able to afford these vacation homes.

I assumed 'they' started working at age 25 making $250k per year and their earnings went up $100k per year.  I assumed the buyer is now 45---that their total effective tax rate was 40% (i.e. w2 income), that they saved 50% of their income each year and that their investments returned 7% a year compounded annually after tax.  At age 45 this hypothetical family of 4 (maybe double income maybe single income) is worth $13.6m.  If their investment returns were 9% (which would be HUGE remember its after tax and fee returns) their net worth would be $16.2m.  If their returns were 7% and their W2 earnings only went up $50k per year their net worth at age 45 is $8.5m.  Even at only $50k per year their W2 earnings are $1.25m  a year and the original couple is earning a healthy $2.25m a year.  As Adam Sandler might say "not too shabby".

The base line family that is worth $13.6m and making $2.25M per year decides to buy a 2,700 square foot home in the Havens for $7m.  Assume they have a $3.6m primary home with no mortgage.  They decide to put down 50% of the purchase price and take out a $3.5M mortgage.  They now have investable assets of $6.5M and they have added to their expenses about $265k per year for the next 30 years ($188k a year for mortgage, 36k HOA, $18k utilities, $8k insurance, $15k taxes).  Looking at that annual nut I am gonna eliminate the family whose income only went up $50k per year.  If you have any financial sense at all I just don't see someone whose after tax income in $375k being able to swing $265k expense for their vacation home.  Even the original hypothetical family is gonna be stretched spending 40% of their after tax wages a year on their Havens home.

How many families are there out there making that much money since they were 25?  And do they all want to live in Aspen-Snowmass---answer it sure seems like a lot and yes.  It seems like people are getting carried away and some folks might not be thinking about what they really can afford.

Let's see what happens to this family if it turns out they maybe stretched a bit and decide in 3 years to sell.  Lets assume they sell their home for $2100 a square foot ---that would give them a sales price of $5.7m.  After commission and transfer taxes etc they would net $5.3m.  They also will have spent $800k on 3 years of mortgage payments etc and only been able to live in the house 1-1.5 years.  Let me ask the rhetorical question that is so obvious, 'Would they have been better off renting?"  And if you toss in the cost of $800k into the mix their break even is about $3100 a square foot when they sell.  Possible?  Sure.  Likely-----hummmmm.  

Bottom line observations

1.  Has there been a fundamental shift from living in the city and burbs to living in vacation towns?  Not according to school enrollment data.

2.  Lower priced homes are starting to sell at a premium to higher priced homes.  For example $10-20M homes in prime locations are selling at a lower per square foot cost than $2-8M homes in average locations.  This leads me to believe the truly rich got the homes they want, while the upper middle class-low ultra high net worth is reaching and bidding up prices on homes they think they can afford.  I remember during the 2008 GFC in general it wasn't the people with net worths over $500m that were finically stressed even if their net worth dropped in half---its was the partners at Goldman who were worth $50M and lost half their net worth and struggled with their second homes on Nantucket.

3.  I think my hypothetical family (and the financial system) has more leverage in it than anyone is accurately measuring.  The family put down 50% on their Havens home.  That is not like 2008 when people put down 10% or less.  But there are different assumptions built into their decision which might be less obvious.  What if they went with an adjustable loan and rates rise?  What if tax rates go up?  What if their investments don't go up 7% a year?  What if they go down?  Of course maybe the value of the Havens continues to appreciate at 15% a year, but what if my assumption of $2100 a square foot is wrong?  What if the price they sell at is $1500 a square foot which would be in line with the comps? (answer they get back $250k of their downpayment of $3.5m).

The price of stuff isn't that informative.  Remember the tulip bulb that cost 10,000 florins?  That doesn't tell you squat.  A tulip bulb costing 10 years of skilled labor---that tells you something.  Who can afford a Havens home?  Not someone only earning the minimum threshold to be in the top 0.1% of the country (that number is $1.6m a year).  It would seem to be an even more select group.  A cohort who is making $2-4M a year.  A cohort that is way less that 0.1% of the US population (remember the really rich are going to be buying bigger nicer, better located stuff that costs less per square foot).  Or maybe its people reaching and assuming that their Dodgycoin gains will cover the cost.  The trick with a bubble is knowing when to sell or .........making sure the government bails you out.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

no soup (or food trucks) for YOU

 Every now and then the city council under duress from the locals considers allowing food trucks in Aspen.  This came up at a recent town council meeting and the town council in their most excellent business wisdom decided to ask the local restaurants to vote on whether they would like to have their restaurants have food trucks  managed and owned by themselves in front of their restaurants.  Pretty much every restaurant voted NO.  Uh ok where to start.

In most cities food trucks are not associated with a restaurant little less parked in front of their restaurant.  That sounds stupid, although a creative business guy like myself would suggest its another channel to sell and probably the $8 steak tacos you could sell in front of 316 steak house would not compete with the same customer who is spending $75 on a cowboy steak (just the steak mind you that doesn't include taxes, or tip or veg or potato ---I guess a glass of water is included, but no sauce).  

But what if the town council decided to let other food providers not the existing restaurants open food trucks in town and what if our existing restaurants couldn't compete and went out of business------ohhhh what happens then.

My guess is that if food trucks crush the local restaurant business (which really I don't think is likely see above) then land lords might find that they don't get their rents paid.  And what happens if land lords can't find anyone to rent restaurant space at high rents?  Then they lower their rents (or open a 3rd Gucci store).  

My view is more competition would be a good thing.  Local restaurants are for anyone but locals.  I know I have mentioned this before but the White House french dip sandwich is now close to $30 after tax and tip.  No drink.  No fries or even slaw.  Just a not very big but pretty tasty french dip sandwich at a bar is $30.  

I don't hate restaurant owners.  My goal is not to put them out of business, but it would be awesome if people earning less than 7 figures a year could afford to eat in Aspen every now and then.  The best way to make that happen is to increase competition in the restaurant space and if that winds up pressuring land lords to lower rents; well I don't think anyone in town will cry for Mark Hunt.

Interestingly the only member of the city council who saw how back ass stupid their approach was was Skippy Mesiro.  When Skippy is the only person in the room who can see clearly ya know you have jumped the shark.

Interestingly housing in the 'lower end' of the market continues to be well bid.  But stuff over $10 million is starting to sit.  Seems like the smart ultra wealthy got in early, bought what they want and are done.  The folks with average homes in average locations are continuing to have champagne dreams, but I can't see how real estate doesn't implode at some point.  There are only so many people who can afford a $200-$300 a head meal at 316 or $5m for an average 3.5k square foot home in snowmass village surrounded by 500 similar houses.

menu at 316--note the steak doesn't even come with sauce (that is extra)

Monday, April 5, 2021

housing ---not calling a top but........

 I am going to go all old school economist and talk about and demand

Since the pandemic hit about a year ago there seems to have been an exodus from the big cities to lovely places like Aspen.  With all the rich folk leaving the city for lovely rural mountain towns (or at least buying a bolt hole in the mountains to escape the big city lock down) the supply of homes in Aspen has shrunk to nothing while the prices have soared.

First let's take a look at supply.  I have taken a look at the supply and right now there really ain't much of anything.  Leaky homes that haven't been updated in years asking 40% more than they were a year ago.  Housing is what we economists call an inelastic market--its hard to quickly create more housing to meet demand---that said every builder (and even guys who have never built per my last post) is building.  Spec homes are being built at all levels.  New subdivisions are being built down Valley.  In Aspen everything from $45 million spec homes to new affording housing is coming to market.  And in Snowmass Village our neighbor is doing a gut rehab right now with visions of selling their home for more that $1600 a square foot (and more likely $2k a square foot in their dreams).  Those houses will start to hit the market in the next 2 to 5 quarters.

Old people also typically add to supply when they sell their big family home and move to a retirement community or small house, townhome, condo near or in cities where there is better access to services (hospitals) and can walk to restaurants etc.  Older folks didn't do that during the past year of COVID, but there is no reason to think they will continue to live in their 6k square foot home in Westport, Wilmette, Orange county etc.  As COVID burns out there is no reason to think the 75 year olds are going to want to deal with that big old house (or maybe even that vacation home) any more.

Let's move to the demand side of the equation.  

First let me blow up a myth----everyone didn't move from LA, NYC, and Dallas and enroll their children in the Aspen school district.  As a matter of fact let me give you some data

                     School District                    enrollment change from 2019-20 to 2020-21

                    Aspen                                            -3.6%

                    Telluride                                           -2%

                    Steamboat                                        -3%

                    Roaring Fork Valley                         -6%

If there was a massive exodus of families from the big cities to small mountain towns they didn't enroll their kids in the local school.  Maybe they went remote this year, and plan to enroll next year.  Or maybe they will return to the big city.  Either way if you can't commit to enrolling your child in the local school maybe you aren't really thinking about living in the mountains for the long hall.

Another potential source of weakening demand is the bloom coming off the rose of living in a remote area.  Aspen wasn't the only place to see their real estate market go nuts over the past year, places like Martha's Vineyard did as well.  Aspen and the Vineyard are both great places to vacation but when your Porsche breaks down or you need real medical attention you are looking at a life flight to Denver or Boston.  Your child's sporting events require taking a ferry or driving over a pass in the snow, and winters on the vineyard get pretty cold and gray the second year around.

Also offices and business community synergy ain't going away anytime soon.  Travel, internet and networking is all more challenging from remote communities and if you actually want to order in Indian food ---well forget about it.

So do I think the top in mountain community real estate is in place.  Eh maybe not yet, but do I think demand is going to go down and supply is going to go up over the next year---hell yea.  And with rising mortgage rates and tax rates I think my neighbor best get that rehab done ASAP and get it listed because he might find after paying current rehab prices he is losing money when he goes to sell his home.  And what goes up super fast can come down just as fast (or even faster) we saw that in housing in 2008-09 and well GameStop last month.  As for the long term fundamentals there is not a population boom that is creating new demand for housing, nor outside the top 1% has there been much increase in wealth or earnings soooooo as an old school trader (George Soros) once said ----sell it when you can, because if you wait to sell it when you must you are going to hate the price you get.

Friday, April 2, 2021

bubble bubble toil and.....this is not an April fools joke

 It seems the country is in the midst of a housing bubble.  Where did all these buyers come from?  It's like during COVID 35% of the country decided they needed to buy a home which has depleted the housing stock country wide to close to zero.

And whatever the country does Aspen does on steroids.

As you might remember we sold our home in Chicago Nov 3rd and made a huge mistake by not buying something the next day in the roaring fork valley.

In the past year housing prices across the entire valley are up 30-50%.  There are almost no homes for sale now and if you buy land finding a decent builder with capacity could take a year.  Figure if you buy today and move super fast maybe-- just maybe you can move in 2 1/2 years (yea the permitting process has a line out the door, architects, builders and all the subs are booked out years).

Anyhow we saw 4 homes recently.

This is the first one we saw in Snowmass Village (horse ranch).  

crap 80s build with leaks everywhere

They are asking 1k a square foot.  They were asking $700 a square foot in 2019 and you probably could have bought it for $650.  We walk in and you can see water damage everywhere, smell mold and feel moisture through the floor.  A quick look at the exterior shows more water damage on the walls and deck.  Basically no need to do an inspection.  It's a 35 year old house that hasn't been maintained and needs to be scrapped.  FYI buildable lots were selling in this hood for $1m a year ago and now you are looking at spending $4.5 for a scraper and then you got to pay for demo and landfill on top of that.  The people looking to buy it were in their 70s---by the time they can move in they will be dead or on oxygen.  As an added bonus the listing agent has done some cat fish photo shop whatever pics of what the place might look like after gut rehab--course that ain't gonna fix the leak in the roof or the foundation.

Next up 

another home asking $1k a square foot---off faraway road.

brr its cold in here

When you have every window open in mid march at 9k feet well ya know they are trying to cover up a smell.  Why bother, they also had candles and diffusers along with two pots collecting water dripping out of the ceiling.  While it wasn't raining outside it was raining inside.  This is an open house with an active leak, mothballs and mold smell which could be yours for $1k a square foot.  It also comes with mouse crap in the corners, a beautiful 1997 kitchen aid dishwasher and a plywood door to the garage.  

Next up down valley ---a 5 min walk to downtown Basalt.  A 3.2k square foot home for sale for $2.8 million.  Uh that is $875 a square foot and too small for our needs.  Check out the hood and its very tight to your neighbors (like you can look out the master bedroom window into their back yards and see their rusting out cars).  We were told there was an additional 1.3k of FAR available to build on which would be a neat trick because the house is in a hole---so while the MAN might say you can build mother nature says no way.  Did I mention all windows open again, cracks in tiles and walls and bouncy floors.  Houses in this hood were selling for $400-$500 a foot 3 months ago---so yea they are asking about 90% more than houses were selling for in January for cracked walls, mold, and either miss laid flooring and or foundation leak.  

Oh yea and they lied about the size of the garage ---quoted at 700 square feet but my trusted tape measure puts its at 450.  Agent said well you need to include the mechanical room--I said no you don't and BTW that only puts it at 530 feet.  When people lie on the first date---well I have trouble with that.

Which brings me to the best which I saved for last.

only a fool would buy this

Ahhh where to start---maybe with the finish---he just raising the asking price $200k.

So this house is new construction--I figure hey get involved before finishes and maybe we get make sure we get stuff we really like.  Excellent.  This is what happened.

  1. We asked for blueprints---after two weeks we got non-construction grade blueprints (the house is currently being framed).
  2. We asked for a spec package detailing what I am getting for my $2.5 million (what kind of cabinets, windows, appliances, fixtures etc---the builder-developer, architect, designer couldn't deliver that
  3. we went and looked at the house---there were no blueprints on site, but the builder, owner, developer and it turns out architect is also a tradesman swinging a hammer--there are two other semi-competent guys doing framing and one 14 year old kid hammering nails into things and then pulling them out---But for any of you who have ever been involved in a building project when was the last time you went on site and didn't see plans (answer never--and why because they don't exist he is literally making it up as he goes along---how he got permits is anyones guess)
  4. when I asked the builder, developer tradesman dude what happened to the lower level being at grade so the lower level had windows and a walk out patio he said the grading was too expensive once they got into it so they didn't do it---which also saves them building a deck on main floor--what other corners do you think he will cut, and of course with no spec package you have no legal recourse because he hasn't made any promises as to what he will actually deliver
  5. when i asked about the panty in the non-construction grade plans he sent me he said the house was big enough not to need a pantry---but hey he doesn't cut corners except losing 6 windows, one pantry, one bedroom and a deck
  6. when i asked about the square footage he obfuscated but finally came clean that he was including the garage space (aprox 850 square feet) in the livable space of the home quote for the home
  7. when i asked how many other homes he had built he said 3 or 4 (Come on is it 3 or 4 and are you including this one in that number) when I asked if I could see those homes he said the only one I could see he and his family were living in---ie the only reference he would give me was himself
  8. When I asked who the architect was he said ----ummm well I stole the plans from Peak and now I am the architect.  When I asked him what certifications he had he looked out the window
  9. when I asked about adding solar he said he didn't have experience (right answer is sure we can do that have to price it out with a good solar sub) same with radiant heat---he said "I don't like radiant heat and with the foundation poured we can't do that'---builder buddies tell me if there is any truth to that lie
  10.  and on and on and on
So is it possible that someone gets are really well built house with good finishes for ----well now $2.65M and rising and it doesn't have construction grade finishes, warp, crack etc---sure and if you buy a powerball ticket you could win that as well.  But when every Tom Dick and Harry is starting to build homes you know its bubbly--how close to the top is anyones guess and what pops it even more so but if you don't need a rain coat to walk around in this last house a year after you move in I will be amazed.  And in the meantime thank GOD for COVID ---wearing the N95 mask while house hunting really helps keep the mold spoors out of your lungs.