Lincoln Hall Belly up
Distance from home 1/4 mile 10 miles
price of a beer $6 $4.50
number of acts per month 15-20 similar
bottle service no yes
# of bottles of champagne do you mean PBR? 6
old guys with young gals 2 too many to count
average age 27 57 (and no senior discount)
Fav band who played there Jack white (drop in) Chris Cornell (canceled sick)
nouvelle vague garbage
Will Phalen Dawes
Trying not to judge but just the facts. You make the call as to the winner.
Also speaking of competition in a heads up match between Dawes and Will Phalen I would take Will every day of the week and twice on Saturday night. You can find his stuff on the internet and really hip radio stations but in the meantime here is a link to one of his ok songs with some strange kids in it
will phalen
vs dawes roll tide
if you want more phalen just search of click more phalen more
And if you have hung in there till the end --while it did snow some this weekend and the dogs loved it ---its all melty and warm and spring like. No climate change comments or Trump commentary needed.

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