First things first. At school today my daughter was shown an elk heart in PE class. Sadly this was not something she was prepared for. We have not hunted, killed, or harvested any large wildlife. She was not warned that PE was going to involve doing anything more with hearts than getting her own to beat fast.
So my daughter lost her lunch. All over herself. Poor kid is sitting in the nurses office in puke covered clothes waiting for someone to pick her up. And I can't tell you how different this is from Chicago school to Aspen. In Chicago there would have been warning of this kind of a lesson, and probably required parent sign off. I am not saying that is necessary. I actually don't have a super duper feeling for the right or wrong way to handle this kinda thing, but clearly this was not the right way for my daughter. I wonder if I will be taking her to hockey tonight or if losing your lunch keeps you off the ice?
Why am I not picking her up. Well I don't have a car. My wife has one and my other car is in the only porsche certified body shop in the state of CO. Estimate return is in 3 months. Wow. 3 months. I need to open a competitor.
I plan to go skiing with my daughter for skier safety day tomorrow. My understanding is ski patrol teaches them about rappelling off of chairlifts and self arrest in the steeps etc. I will report back after tomorrow. But it won't be like any parent chaperone day any of you Chicago parents have ever had. Of that I am sure. Also no elk heart surprise in 5th grade PE class either.
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