Thursday, February 9, 2017

MMJ (medical marijuana) base case scenario

FYI my base case (financial talk for most likely outcome) of having Sessions as AG is that they move medical cannabis to schedule 2 and use the DEA to bust up rec weed.  If the case goes to the supremes with Trump-GOP trying to squash states rights well would anything the Donald does surprise you?

What does schedule 2 mean---it means big pharma produces weed for patients who have a script.  What does the end of rec do + phara in control of production of MMJ---well it means every pot producer and seller is out of business or trading for cents on the dollar.  Does Sessions and Trump manage to see this all the way through--I don't think so but I bet they give it a go.

What am I doing?  Putting together a shopping list of MMJ companies to buy on the cheap, production facilities, equipment manufactures etc, and I am even thinking about starting up a distressed MMJ fund.

Smoke em while you got em.

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