Tuesday, May 14, 2019

that ain't fucking nothing

yea ever have that ' friend' or maybe person you work with who is always one upping you?

Well we got some of that here in Aspen.

I thought it was pretty exceptional that my daughter had a soccer practice on Friday, drove to Denver for a hockey practice on Saturday, and on Sunday had her birthday party on Aspen mountain at a cabin we rented (ie lots of skiing and stupid shenanigans).  Taking a small detour to shenanigan land the kids boot skied all of Aspen mountain (that is skiing without skis--just in boots for those of ya not down with the  lingo).  Anyhow ski patrol was kind enough to inform us that skiing seems to require skis these days.

boot skiing above and moms singing below

anyhow back to the matter at hand

so I was telling a friend about my daughter's soccer, hockey, ski weekend triathlon and they looked at me in all seriousness and asked "what no lacrosse?".

Yup there is always someone doing more, being better etc.  Or as the old line goes " there is always someone thinner or richer" (or both) and they probably have a house in Aspen.

Which brings me to a quiz---what should Aspen's motto be

1.  Exclusive by design
2.  3 houses or 3 jobs
3.  Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess
4.  Home of parents who never ever stopped partying (and hope to be in Scarface 2)

Tapping into my calm yoga place happiness comes from the inside, not judging yourself against others, so maybe shut off your Strava and just ride your bike.  And, or next time you run into Mr. 1 uper please (its almost always a him with a small unit I'd bet)  have fun jerking his chain by 1 uping his fablous adventure.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The grass is always greener .......

but it usually aint.

Humans are a jealous bunch and we seem to think that everyone else has it better.  Most of us think that our families are pretty wacky while everyone else has a pretty normal household.  My guess is more families are closer to Malcolm in the Middle than Leave it to Beaver.

I got to see this human condition play out up close and personal this past weekend.  I took my daughter to Minnesota to play in a hockey tournament.  I assumed that Minnesota hockey would be perfect.  Dialed into perfection.  Great ice, NHL caliber refs, fantastic scoreboard and time keepers.


Really wrong.

The ice was frequently bad.  They had only one person to handle the clock, scoreboard, sports engine, and penalty box.  More often than not penalties didn't even make it to the scoreboard, and players had to self release from the penalty box when they thought the penalty was up because of course it wasn't on the scoreboard.  And a couple of the refs couldn't even get offsides and icing calls right little less tuffer stuff like boarding or the goalie freezing the puck in the crease.  While missed calls are part of the game, when a bunch are missed the game can get dangerous and ugly in a hurry.

Moral of the story---if Minnesota can't get hockey right then no one can.  Don't put Minnesota hockey on a pedestal.  More generally, don't assume everyone else is living in some magic land where Wally and the Beaver get along and say things like "aw shucks."  Be happy with what you got warts and all because everyone has warts some just aren't immediately obvious.  Assuming everyone else has it better and that there must be better sports programs, schools, doctors, jobs etc out there is the express lane to being miserable.  Enjoy what you got and be thankful.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

public service announcement

lock up your MMJ edibles. 

Of course you hear the stories about kids eating their parents gummies, or candy bars and cookies and ya think yea but that aint gonna happen to me and then..............

you dog eats the neighbors weed and has a VERY bad 24 hours (and shares that badness with her family).

What happened?  Well the mud room door didn't fully close and the dogs did a bit of a walk about.  One of em got into the neighbours stash and ate god knows how much THC, but my dog in general doesn't stop eating till whatever she is eating is gone.  And she weighs about 1/3rd of a adult human so assuming she ate 3 or 4 adult doses of space cakes ....well you can do the math.

Next thing you know I got a dog who can't stand, is pissing herself and jerking anytime anything comes near her.  The wife freaks out and takes dog to vet who says " we see this a couple time a week, she is stoned".  Not much to be done but ride it out--and you can pretty much tell its over when the diarrhea sets in.

So please those of you with edibles in your cars, homes or lunch bags please please please lock it up.  I don't want to deal with another stoned pooch (that said my dogs are stupid when it comes to food and always happy to give it another go).