Thursday, February 22, 2024

Aspen SKI CO bankrupt

 Figure that headline would grab some eyeballs.  There IS something weird going on in mountain towns.  Was the start of the snow season so bad to crush interest in skiing?  Has it just gotten too expensive?  Are the wealthy feeling poor?  I don't know, BUT

Aspen Ski Co has shut two lifts (gents ridge, and Coney).  Why?  They say not enough skiers.  I
 would guess that is partially true but the real answer is money.  If Ski Co was flush they would run the lifts.  If there were a lot of skiers they would run the lifts.  

Seeing a bit of the same everywhere---the energy and volume of skiers is why down, hotel capacity down, retail down, restaurant revenues down.  Aspen does seem to continue to lead the way in non skier visits who just want to party and post on insta, but wouldn't have a clue how to put on a ski boot.

Fun fact, a friend of mine worked coat check at Caribou Club all presidents day weekend.  Total tips for 3 nights---$36.  Do the ultra wealthy not carry cash (possible) or are just cheap (very likely) or a bit of both.  Either way Caribou has lost a coach check employee.