Thursday, June 20, 2019

so my daughter wants to become a hockey ref

which brings us of course to Lakewood CO baseball game between 7 year olds.  Seems the 13 year old ump (same age as my daughter) called a player out for batting out of order.  Rumor has it that there was also a lot of cussing coming from parents (and maybe coaches).  That is rumor---what actually started what you see in the below video I can't tell you.  What I can tell you is parents, adults etc lost their minds at a baseball game for 7 year old kids.

baseball parents lose their shit

After the video went online and much of the nation got to see Colorado at its best the league tossed both teams for the rest of the season, the police have charged 5 parents with assault, and apparently are trying and so far been unsuccessful at IDing the guy in  the teal shorts.  Really, no parents are willing to finger the guy who knocked someone out.  Seems like while the parents preach one thing their actions continue to be dodgy.

Remember the Littleton hockey coach who lost his mind in this pregame rant.

hockey coach loses mind

yea he got fired.  But let's not forget a couple of things--there were other adults in that room, and they didn't stop it.  Also pretty much all leagues have a policy against cell phones in locker rooms---if this wasn't recorded and put online would the coach have been fired?  Was the player who captured the rant on their phone and published it punished (honestly he probably should be----or what is the rule----no using cell phones in locker room unless an adult is misbehaving in which case its fine and encouraged).

While these incidents both strike close to home (my daughter has played puck against some of those boys), we have an incident right in my backyard.  During a series of games against Telluride at the Bantam level things got increasingly out of hand and by the 3rd game of the weekend a full on fight broke out on the ice which included one kid getting knocked out and even after he crumbled to the ice the opponent continued to beat on a kid who was out cold.

So my daughter wants to be a hockey ref...............

Up next----am I a racist?

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