Sunday, June 14, 2020

ohhh tempers are short and we haven't even gotten to the hot part of summer

to put it simply humans weren't meant for this.

They weren't meant to have their president lie about everything all the time.

They weren't meant to watch cops lie about abuse.

They weren't meant to watch prosecutors and unions cover up bad behavior.

They weren't meant to deal with sky high unemployment and sky high stock prices.

They weren't meant to deal with massive uncertainty about everything.

They weren't meant to deal with the hypocrisy of being told to do one thing via COVID safety while watching the very same officials encourage non-COVID safe behaviors (yea I am looking at you Bootsey Bellows open while bank lobbies are closed, and  you Aspen Ski Co running the gondola, and two restaurants with employees testing positive that weren't initially told to close by county.) 

I wanna spend some time with that one-----a government loose credibility when they make a law requiring masks be worn in businesses and then let bars open where patrons don't wear masks.  Or let Ski Co run the gondola ----really how long till the gondola is a super spreader event (just imagine the employee whose job it is to disinfect buckets getting COVID and exposing it to everyone who rides the gondola).  And let's put some names on this----City Market in el Jabel has at least 4 employees who tested positive and there are another 50 who are 'supposed' to be on 14 day quarantine.  Similar percent of population in NYC would be about 4k employees and 50,000 on quarantine.  Meat and Cheese had an employee test positive and initially the authorities said they could stay open----ditto Heather's Pie shop).

But heck, I should relax because the county policy is if hospital beds become 90% full they will shift back to shelter in place------um do these leaders of ours remember the 14 day or so lag between exposure and maybe needing a hospital. 

Humans don't like this.  And then they get short tempered.  And then the ringing in our ears drowns out our better angles.  How long till a BLM protesters and counter protesters come to blows and then our president might find his excuse to play tin pot dictator with even more troops in more cities.

I am going to walk my dogs---this is all too depressingly likely.

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