Monday, January 18, 2021

False Equivalence ( MLK day)

False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning.

There is no equivalence between BLM protests and the storming of the US Capitol.  The BLM protests were specifically inspired by the murder of George Floyd, and more generally 250 years of abuse and mistreatment of black people in the US, while the storming of the US Capitol was inspired by the BIG LIE that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

BLM is based on truth, the attempted coup at US Capitol was based on lies.  

My daughter is currently taking Civics which has refreshed my memory of much US history.  Lets take a very quick high level overview of race relations in America:

3/5th clause (Article one, section two of the Constitution) 1787

13th amendment (ending slavery) 1864

14th amendment (granting citizenship to former slaves) 1866

Reconstruction-Jim Crow laws 1870s

Separate but Equal


Civil Rights Act of 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Rodney King 1991

Breonna Taylor-George Floyd 2020

This list is obviously incomplete and just a quick list of 250 years of low lights of American's record of racism.

On a more personal note:

A high school friend whose first name started with a K--as well as his 4 siblings (KKKKK)--he was also kind enough to show me the KKK sign to flash if I was in the 'wrong' area of Missouri.  1985

Playing high school football in 1985 state semifinals in Marceline Missouri with locals flying white (KKK) flags, my face dripping with spit, the N word ringing in my ears and our school bus tires spiked by Marceline parents.  

Again in Missouri, being pulled over by Ladue police at gun point because my friend driving the car was Black.  And being accused by those police of steeling the Varsity Letterman jackets they saw in the car.  Our team football letterman jackets. 1984

Having to hail a cab often for a friend of mine in NYC who was black because cabbies didn't want to pick him up (he was always one of the best dressed guys I have known not that it should matter--it clearly wasn't about the look of the clothes but his skin) 1990s 

A quick history of 'voter fraud'

In America there is no evidence of voter fraud.  White people and the GOP in particular of late have raised the baseless fear of voter fraud to challenge the Voter Rights Act, suppress Black voters, and delegitimize results they don't like. Investigations from the DOJ as well as state and local officials have not found evidence of any significant voter fraud, however there is lots of evidence that black voters on average have to wait twice as long as white voters to cast their ballot.  But don't let a little thing like the truth get in the way of racist fear.

2008 Trump attempts to undermine legitimacy of Obama's citizenship

2015 Trump says  'won't accept election results if he loses'

2017 Trump creates the Presidential Advisory Commission On Election Integrity

2020 prior to election--Trump says 'the only way we lose is if the election is rigged'

2020 First presidential debate Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy

2020 post election Trump claims election was stolen

2021 post election Trump brings 60 court cases claiming voter fraud and loses every one

2021 post election Trump attempts to overturn election by pressuring Georgia election officials 

2021 post election Trump pressures VP Pence not to certify electoral results

2021 day of attempted coup at Capitol Trump says to insurrectionists ' we won, don't let them steal the election and destroy our civilization' 

2021 the majority of GOP House Reps vote to ignore the will of the people in AZ and PA and throw out the legal votes in those states

What would Martin Luther King have to say about that?

What would MLK have to say about the GOP's attempt to excuse a coup by equating the violence of white supremacists with that of BLM protesters voices clamoring for fair treatment by police officers.  I fear he would see that progress towards his dream is crumbling as the Republican party-the party of Lincoln -is coopted by white supremacists.  

Please lord let light of truth banish the evil that is corrupting the Republican party and our United States.

Now for some Rock and Roll agro protest style ---a song that was written 30 years ago and is sadly still way too current

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