Friday, January 5, 2018

new years resolutions and record breaking snow

A kinda interesting observation.  In NYC and Chicago the first couple of weeks of January the gyms had about 200-300% more people than 'normal'.  Everyone makes their resolution to eat right, drink less, and work out.  And for about 10 days they are on it.  And then they drift away and by the middle of February you are back to the same old gym rats.

In Aspen the gym population surges maybe 20-30% post new years.  Seems the folks out here that are committed to working out work out.  Resolutions are not made about working out in Aspen.  They might revolve a bit more around the drinking, drugging and pooping on the floor of Bootsy Bellows (all of which should be done less or maybe even not at all).

There was a recent article in the paper talking about our recording setting snowfall---19 in total for Nov and Dec and nothing a week into January.  Maybe not an all time low but pretty close.  The snow conditions stink, but at least there are fewer people around post holiday opening up a bit more room on the limited terrain that is available.

And when you mix crap snow with argro parents who are paying for their kids to be on a big mountain freeride ski team as a coach you feel you have got to justify-explain what the kids are doing.  So they shot a video of the big mountain team in action (my kids are missing because one was playing hockey and the other sailing during the shoot).  Still enjoy.

AVSC big mountain team--drop into no snow

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