Friday, April 24, 2020

COVID--looking into the abyss

I hope my dear readers panicked and freaked the fuck out due to my lack of posting because....last night I looked into the abyss and didn't like what I saw

To Wit:

Today's weather is cold and moist, we are under shelter in place rules and ........the power went out.  Yes, at week five of shelter in place home with two teenagers and a wife whose hair is starting to do weird things locked at home without the internet.....things could get real ugly real fast.

Other disconcerting moments include:

1.  It seems the world ---or at least the roaring fork valley is out of paper towels.....for the past week I have looked high and low, in Aspen, Basalt and Glenwood Springs----at Clarks, City Market, Whole Paycheck, Walmart and Target and there are no paper towels.  Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and her favorite food is bacon cooked beyond reason in a microwave on paper towels.  Another COVID disappointment.

2.  Speaking of my daughter she is becoming increasingly difficult (fast twitch teenage hormonal girl locked in house with family---no surprise she is losing her mind and sharing that pain with all of us).  My wife tried to console her by saying that she is beautiful and to enjoy it while it lasts.  Daughter responded with 'mom how old where you when your looks started going downhill'.  At that point I took my dogs for a long long walk (and you wonder why I haven't been posting to this blog)?

3.   In the vein of oversharing and too much quality family time---over dinner my kids shared their bucket list of recreational drugs they would like to try.  Is it good that we are having open lines of communication?  Or scary how much interest they have in exploring the full range of hallucinogenics and uppers?

4.  and finally how about this audition for most craven performance by a doctor (who I guess is trying to save our lives but ought to be trying to save us from our president)

Brix selling her soul for a new scarf and a chance to hang with Trump

trump showing off his scientific knowledge

Do you laugh or cry?  For sure if that doesn't make you think we are near the end of days I don't know what will.  I would guess Trump is one of the 4 riders of the apocalypse but he would fall off his horse, blame Jim Acosta and return to his bed to watch TV and eat McDonalds.  How that man garners at least 40% of the vote of Americans this fall is mind-blowing.

And let me grab my stethoscope channel my inner Trump and say with complete confidence (and I am confident because I know a number of MIT grads) that if you ingest Caesium-137 it is completely effective at destroying the DNA strand of COVID-19.  There is even a beautiful gold standard double blind study that has been running for decades proving this---if you look at Chernobyl (ground zero where there is the most Caesium-137, there is zero COVID-19 there.  It just destroys those little DNA strands so fast, like zap and they are destroyed.  And even better we have Caesium-137 in many of our hospitals---we use it already for radiation therapy---lets give people a gram or two to swallow and zap your lungs are clear of COVID-19.  Perfect.  And afterwards please brush your teeth with Alex Jones (InfoWars) silver toothpaste for good measure.  If you have trouble getting some Caesium its your governors fault and you should blame Governor Cuomo because he is the leader of the bad governor pose. 

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