Tuesday, December 22, 2020

more funny numbers (or what could go wrong?)

 1.  our hotels are at 90% capacity but our restaurants (under our made up orange plus level) are limited to 50% capacity---how will out of town guests feed themselves?---our local business chamber has suggested the answer is increase restaurant capacity--what could go wrong?

2.  my friends who work as caterers are overbooked.  Guess that is how many visitors are dealing with the restaurant capacity limits.

3.  one of my daughters hockey teams is scheduled to play in phoenix AZ the first weekend in January.  Of the 19 players on her team she is the only player choosing to listen to the CDC guidelines recommending against travel.  This trip will involve at least 3 nights in a hotel and 4 games.  At a recent practice my daughter over heard a couple of her teammates talking saying ' I really like AZ at least there we won't have to wear masks when we play, and restaurants don't have the same kind of stupid limits we have in CO'.  As a reminder the last time this team traveled to games out of state players, coaches and parents all tested positive in the following week.  To reiterate she is the only player on her team choosing not to travel out of state to play teams from 3 different states.  What could go wrong?  And I am sure that when the CDC and pretty much every medical authority recommended against travel and gatherings they of course understood the important of U14AA girls hockey and wouldn't want to restrict that.


orange what?????????? about a month ago Pitkin county invented a new level of restrictions on the states color wheel ----even though some of our numbers at the time indicated we should move to red and shelter in place the town didn't want to shut restaurants and maybe the mountain out of concern for the economy so they invented a level between orange and red---orange plus.  Since then in a surprise to no one our numbers have gotten much worse.  How much worse---our 14 day average incidence rate is about 4x the level that would put us into red---our 5 day average incidence rate is about 8x the level to put us into red, so yesterday Pitkin County created another new level of restrictions on the wheel---orange plus plus because orange plus was such a success.  For us grumpy old men brings back memories of double secret probation.

double secret probation

Yes try to find a way to laugh otherwise you will cry and want to beat people over the head with a bat (and maybe re-watch animal house a classic anti-war --- times they are a changing movie).

So what does double secret probation ---I mean orange plus plus mean to you travelers thinking about a trip to Aspen.  LIE.

When you check into wherever you are staying if they bother to ask if you got a COVID test say yes--no one will check.  When you go out to dinner and they ask if everyone you are eating with is in your immediate family say yes.  If a liftie asks you to put a mask on or pull it up pretend like you don't speak English (this is a ton of fun--feel free to make up your own language).  If ya wanna party have a party in your house---house parties are excellent and I can recommend a DJ (he was working the snow polo event last weekend and there are plenty of caterers happy to help with the event and if you get caught well the worst that will happen is you get put on double secret probation).  And if you get sore after a couple of days of skiing not to worry--you can always go to Bikram yoga assuming the wait list isn't filled.

yoga schedule

What could go wrong?

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