Monday, September 18, 2017

turned 50 yesterday


Its official I am really old.  My kids and wife are kind enough to remind me of this fact every day.  Why anyone would think getting a 20 something year old girlfriend would make them feel younger is beyond me.  I think it would just make me feel even older and pathetic.  And yet I see many gentlemen in Aspen of a certain age with wives and girlfriends who are 20-30 years younger. I see that and think... Expensive.

My wife got me a card that had some highlights from 1967.  These include:

The US Supreme Court ruled that state laws forbidding mixed race marriages are unconstitutional.
The first Rolling Stone was published.
Muhammad Ali is indicted for refusing to be drafted into the Army.
Tim Leary encourages everyone to 'tune in, turn on and drop out' LSD baby.

Today we have no draft, Rolling Stone is being sold to a large corporation, we have an opioid crisis, and we have had a black president who was the product of a mixed race marriage.  Times sure have changed, and mostly for the better.  It seems that sometimes we (as a country) forget how far we have come and how lucky we are.  Big birthdays are good for giving big perspective.  I would encourage many of our very angry pols to take a step back and enjoy the progress.

Warning--much of the rest of this week will have a heavy political bent.  Obviously feel free to ignore me or at least not take it too seriously.

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