Thursday, July 21, 2016


Sorry I meant to post this before moving but moving got in the way.

First off let me say I am a very deep thinking introspective guy who is in touch with his emotions. And I think wing beneath your wings is the best song ever written.    humm maybe that isn't me.  But this move forced me to think about stuff.  Seems most days we go about our business without really noting the passage of time.  In my case walk the dogs, yell at kids, work, yell at kids walk dogs go to bed.  Repeat.  Moving changed that.  Not only did the leaving process slap me across the face and yank me out of the daily detritus of life, but it got me thinking about major milestones and the passage of time.  Where I was when 9/11 happened.  How long I have know some people.  And honestly how old I have become.  When I moved to Chicago I was 32, knew everything, and was unencumbered by cost centers 1 & 2 and 3 shedding pooping creatures.  Leaving Chicago I am 48, realize how much I don't know, going gray, getting reading glasses and sounding more and more like my parents when I speak to my kids.

I kinda knew this was going on in the background but the process of leaving brought it front and center.  Which I guess is when another one of those life cliches happen--midlife crisis.  So I have decided to do something stupid like get a 27 year old girl friend.  Or a Ferrieri or maybe both.  Wait a minute.  My midlife crisis is moving to Aspen.  Well I guess I can check that off---time to go for a hike with family except it looks like prime thunderstorm weather outside.  Well WTF you only live once right?

1 comment:

  1. So much of what you are writing was true for me as well back in 2013. I was 47 and 20 years into my law practice when I decided to move my wife, 2 boys and great dane to Snowmass. I walked away from everything I built over 20 years with dreams of blower powder, hucking cliff jumps at hanging valley wall, and clearing the fruit bowl on my mountainbike. What was the reality? Well, not much of that but I can say this... my boys are getting the best education possible without the cost of "Sister Mary of the Perpetual Payment" catholic school ( I am not Catholic), a resetting of my priorities, incredible new friendships and a place where a night downtown with his friends (my 15 year old) doesnt mean a night of me wringing my hands over the safety of my child. It appears that you did the same calculation that I did and realized that when you remove all of the additional costs of living in your respective city and notice what comes for free in Aspen it all of a sudden becomes the best kept secret in the states. This place is the last bastion of old time USA, where kids can play outside, ride the free bus to town, be safe all night and ride home, hike out your back door and be in touch with true nature, participate in the outdoor education program at school and learn to love our surroundings as well as care for it, and most importantly be surrounded by like minded people and kids. This place is paradise..... Just dont tell anyone else!
