Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jarvis R.I.P.

No words I can write can do her justice.  I know it's not PC to say, but of all our goldens she was the best.  She gave love in boundless amounts only requiring your presence and the occasional bit of food left on the counter or dropped on the floor.  She would take me for walks when I wanted to yell at my wife or kids, introduced me to other people whose lives I shared for 14 years at OZ park.  She showed me that you can eat a whole Duraflame log, or a package of raw lamb (bones included), and not even get sick  However, put her in a car and she would puke all over the place.  She showed me that some days a 5 mile run, and a 20 min swim in lake michigan wasn't enough and that she really needed some time to play with other dogs in the park.   Also border collies weren't the only dogs who could rock the agility course.  She showed the policemen that having dogs off lead was often useful if they rousted the homeless people in the park.  And she showed me that you can do pranayama breathing all night long if you just work at it.

Best of all she defined man's best friend everyday.  I will miss you and your beautiful constantly shedding fur a ton.

And if you really want to get the tears flowing--my son who has a bit of musical talent was playing music for Jarvis as she passed away--the last song was Just Breath  (Jarvis was a huge fingerpicking fan)

And it's snowing

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Bettina, Dan & my favorite kids,

    I am so soooooooo sorry for your loss of Beautiful, Loving Jarvis!
    Jarvis was extremely lucky to find you. All of you loved and nurtured her throughout
    her life and even helped her leave to join the cosmic ONE doggie dimension in the
    end. I know Jarvis was a "gift" to you in numerous ways.

    Nothing can replace what Jarvis meant to each of your lives. Keep all of those
    intimate memories close ( which you have) and enjoy the new litter you have to care
    for. There's plenty of fun & great times ahead!

    I will be thinking of you and praying for your comfort, strength, courage and peace.

    In the Spirit of Peace & Healing,
