Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Covid-19 day 5

so far no one has been voted off the island (for those of you old enough to remember Survivor) however I have asked my neighbors to ignore any shotgun blasts in case someone is voted off my families island.

What the heck is the right tone to take--looking at news stories the top headline is: "are we going to run out of food" and the next headline is "where is tom brady going to play."  That pretty much sums up the source of much cognitive dissonance.

To be honest my family is doing great (so far).........  My wife, son and I worked setting up a food pantry for families that rely on school for food.  This will be an ongoing need and if you want to sign up follow this link.

food pantry sign up

Yesterday we often had too many people (ergo the sign-up we need to maintain social distance while doing the work).  Also no one under 8th grade please its super important to maintain a clean-sterile environment when working with food that is going to go to hundreds of people.

One of the neat things in times of crisis is watching a community work together.  Right now people are looking for things to do to help---if we could make ventilators or gowns and masks in our home I bet we could supply the world with all that was needed in a month.  I hope our President and other leaders figure out what to do with the great community spirit that is out there.  For example, maybe we could put people to work delivering food to those that are in isolation.  There must be tons of things people can do, we should have bright minds figuring that out and telling America---learning a new language is nice but mostly selfish, right now people are listening to their better angels, they just need to be told what to do.  (as an aside I kinda wish that cleaning up dog poop stopped Covid-19, if so Smuggler and all other trails would be clean tomorrow).

Also on better angles (and this is a tuff one because it crosses the line to taking care of family first)  there is a food drive at AMS tomorrow.  See Below

Dear Pitkin County Community,

Aspen Family Connections is organizing a community food drive on Wednesday March 18th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Non-perishable food items ONLY will be accepted from the public at the Aspen Middle School on Wednesday 3/18/20 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Aspen Family Connections and our partners will ensure that food donated to us will be distributed to those families most in need in our community.

Instructions for drop off: 
  • Follow the outer ring at the middle school parking lot - food will be collected under the overhang entrance
  • Please spend as little time as possible out of your car and maintain 6 ft social distance from anyone you see.
  • Please bring your food to the the tables, and set your donation on the tables provided; 
  • Perishable, prepared, hot, or opened food will not be accepted
  • If you think you or members of your household have any type of symptoms related to the COVID-19 illness or any concern about contact, do not drop food off at the middle school. 
  • All donated food will be handled with gloves and will be sanitized prior to distribution.
  • For larger donations or questions call Katherine Sand at 970-205-7025
  • We welcome donations of small denominations ($20-50 City Market and Visa gift cards) to support families with specific needs (diapers, formula).  Please place them in the provided receptacle.
Stay tuned for opportunities to donate food. We appreciate your support in this effort.


The Aspen Family Connections Team 

If you are still reading my daughter has started cooking like a contestant on Iron Chef (banana bread last night, carrot cake tonight) my son went sledding (6 feet separation of course) and my wife was back at school trying to coordinate volunteers (while helping companies figure out how to message in this time of COVID-19).  
Other interesting tidbits from the COVID-19 zone--my son got a very interesting offer to help a couple female friends of his break quarantine around midnight. He considered it but took a pass, so far.  Or as he said you would have heard the garage door go up and then all hell would have broken loose.  I do suspect when this all ends the young adults (??) might go a little nuts.  Maybe I should be buying stock in Trojan, although at the moment I am buying MJ (marijuana stock ETF).

Please keep listening to your better angels and any good ideas about good deeds to be done please let me know. 

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