Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID daughter update

no puke for 48 hours--yea---and no poop for 6 days ---humm probably the result of puke+ zofran but I took her for a walk to hopefully get things moving.  She seems pretty good but the 16 hours of sleeping gives me a little bit of concern.

I watched Top Gun with the boy--I think he watched it about 5 years ago but now that he is a pilot and spent two years sailing out of Annapolis and couch surfing with Navy guys I wind up hearing lots of informed criticism (like there is no way flying through the jet wash would put you in a flat spin, when you lose one engine just put the nose down and accelerate etc).  My God know it all children are...... fun?  Well at least he was talking to me which is also both a blessing and a curse. 

Two local liquor companies (Marble and Woody Creek) have converted their plants to make sanitizer which is pretty awesome.  Also I understand North Sails is making masks, I am betting my son only uses North Sails from now on, although he does love Zim.

Rumor has it that things shouldn't get really bad in CO for another week or two, so its not yet time to go to the party I mentioned a couple of posts ago, even if it feels all clear right now.

A morbid public service announcement, we are updating our will.  Last done about 10 years ago and obviously some things have changed.  For those of you out there with spare time on your hands and kids, it might be worth looking at who you got as guardians and trustees and make sure you still want them and their contact info is still accurate.

Lastly my wife's knee replacement surgery is still on, scheduled for a week from Monday.  That just seems wrong on so many levels.

No one voted off island yet which might be because my daughter has been asleep for the past 6 days and my son has been playing his acoustic guitar exclusively.  If he goes electric and she stops sleeping for 18 hours things might get spicy in a hurry.

Be safe and try to laugh.

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