Sunday, March 15, 2020

day 3 COVID-19

no I don't have it as far as I know (as mentioned before we have stopped testing in Pitkin County because...........well good question and the bad answer is because its not therapeutic.  Of course, it would give an idea if you should self isolate for 14 days but I feel fine........well as fine as  you can feel when you are stuck at home with two teenage kids, a wife and an assortment of animals.

I feel a little like I should be filming Blair Witch style but I am not that tech savvy

Blair witch trailer

Right now I am trying to manage the disappointment of not going to Hawaii (family has decided it's mostly all my fault).  We are not letting the kids interact with friends but we are asking them to do chores, exercise and do homework (designed by parents).  My house is not a happy place. 

Things for kids to do---online standardized test prep, read a book and write a book report, watch a historical movie and discuss, play social media games with friends (forte nite might make a huge comeback) watch a movie with a friend on facetime (Blair Witch any of you kiddies?).  Cook.  play an instrument.  walk dogs, ride bike (alone) shoot pucks, kick soccer ball and do burpees till you puke.  Clean closet.  Clean under bed. 

Yea, if I am murdered during the night the kids have good motive.

Things for them not to do.....hang out with friends anywhere but especially in town.  It's like having unsafe sex where you are not just with your partner but all your partner's partners' and their partners' partners.  Pretty quickly you might as well be licking the screen at the self checkout at City Market.

And to you stupid ass highschool boys I saw in Clark's market parking lot sharing a Jewel and buying snacks OMG your stupidity is shared with all of us every time you go into the grocery store which given the high likelihood of you having munchies is very HI.  Your parents need to man up and stop your stupid ass behavior cause the longer Aspen is a hotspot the more its gonna hurt all of us economically.

Why day 3 you might ask---I am counting day 1 as the day ASD announced that school would be canceled and I starting getting too much quality time with my family.  Since then Aspen Ski Co has said they would keep the mountain open (day 2) been forced to close the mountain by the governor (day 3) and I expect on day 4 we (either Aspen or Pitkin county and maybe Garfield and Eagle county) will be put in quarantine-limited mobility to essential people on essential tasks.  Initially that will be a shit show as everyone tries to sort out what is essential. 

"I mean it's pretty essential that I go shopping at Aviator Nation and then hit Caribou Club officer."

Right!!!! Oy.

Here is what we are doing:

1.  Limit-eliminate social contact
2.  wash hands before leaving house (going to grocery store, pharmacy, going to school to distribute food to 150 families who rely on free school meals to feed their kids---yea 150 families lose weight when school closes in Aspen)
3.  when returning home clean phone with alcohol wipe THEN wash hands
4.  stay active (no sitting in room and watching all of Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Narcos Elijah)
5.  Listen to actions not words--err on the side of caution and remember you will have great stories about what you did during the pandemic

Be smart.  Be safe and be a good citizen.

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