Sunday, March 29, 2020

laugh or cry COVID makes you wonder why

maybe the best worst COVID quote goes to..........Wilbur Ross

towards the end of January Wilbur Ross said 'I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America'.  yep that is the US Commerce Secretary saying out loud how many in the GOP see the world--a zero sum game and if China is losing the US must be winning. 

If this is winning can we please stop.

Larry Kudlow ( Trump top Econ advisor) said on Feb 25 that "the Trump administration has kept the US pretty close to airtight".  Which I guess you could tell because the S&P 500 was pretty close to it's all time highs and the market must know everything (how many times does the efficient market hypothesis have to be proven really fucking wrong).

VP Mike Pence (in charge of Covid-19 response March 12 " I don't actually know how many tests have been done" referring to the botched roll out of millions and millions of beautiful tests that everyone can have

Which brings us to our fearless leader:

Jan 22 ' we have it totally under control it's just one person coming in from China' (whooops)

Feb 26 'We're going to be pretty soon at only 5 people and we could be at just one or two over the next short period of time' (which I guess if you don't test anyone is possible)

Feb 27 'It's going to disappear.  One day it's like a miracle it will disappear'  (other miracles include Trump testing negative)

March 7 'No I am not concerned at all no I am not, we have done a great job'  he did a great job with Trump University and casinos in AC)

March 7  'anyone that needs a test can get a test and the test are all perfect like the letter was perfect the transcription was perfect (well I will say this for COVID, it moved everyone but Trump off the impeachment story)

March 7 also at the CDC  'people are surprised that I understand it.  Everyone one of these doctors say 'how do you know so much about this' Maybe I have a natural ability.  Maybe I should've done that instead of running for the president'.  (Dear God yes can we get a do-over where Trump is a lacky at the CDC PLEASE).

March 16  So it could be right in that period of time where it, I say wash--it washes through"  (an example of his mad CDC skills )

And on and on it goes. 

On a lighter note before school shut the choir teacher asked my boy if he could play the instrumental part of bohemian rhapsody for the choir for a competition. 

Check this out (people got too much time on their hands)

COVID Rhapsody

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