Wednesday, March 25, 2020

lost in COVID

I've lost count--something like day 13, which is kinda interesting because I believe it's been about two weeks since my daughter was around anyone besides family and she might have COVID.  How the fuck did that happen?

As I write this she is still asleep (3:15 PM).  Yesterday she slept till 5 pm and the day before 6 pm.  She has puked twice and says it feels a little like her chest is cracking when she breathes.

No fever, no cough, no travel to Iran or Italy or God forbid NYC.  I guess it could be a GI thing but her doc thinks maybe COVID.  Of course there is no way to know because she isn't sick enough to be tested.

On the Aspen testing front, it seems about 45 tests have been run in total for Pitkin County, 15 positive, 15 negative and 15 waiting on results.  I read in the paper it took one guy 11 days to get his results (the state of CO at the time could only analyze 160 tests a day) and it finally came back negative at which point his doc agreed to see him and discovered........ a sinus infection. 

Seems one of the reasons for the very limited testing in remote places is a fear of running out of protective equipment.  With the swab up into your sinuses every testee will aerosol whatever they have up there (COVID from the positive folks and just some snot for the rest) but to not infect the next person the tester should swap out protective gear after each patient.  That would drain a small hospital's protective gear in a hurry, so very limited testing.

On the super duper positive front, with luck a commercial lab has developed a blood test with a fast (maybe 1 hour) turn around and no need to go full hazmant with each new test case.  We can't get that fast enough because, well should my whole family be quarantined because of my daughter who might have COVID or might have a GI bug.  I don't know.  Knowing would help. 

She needs to have her spine brace adjusted and the lovely folks at Hanger Clinic are happy to see her until I mentioned COVID and they asked does she have a fever? (no), does she have a dry cough (no), trouble breathing (no) out of country (no) positive test (no) at which point they said well our guidelines and the CDC guidelines say we could see her (however her actual doc is worried about COVID).  To be seen or not to be seen, that is the COVID question.

The whole thing is a case study of not having a clue and trying to make informed decisions with no information (or as they used to say in stats class garbage in garbage out).

A quick update on social distancing and exercise-- the hot springs are closed because people were too close, there are new signs at trails reminding people to keep distance, and they are threatening to close all access to ski mountains if people can't keep their distance.

yo peeps ---stay back 6 feet.  Please. 

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